Chapter 46. New Day, New Trouble? Again?

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Shrishti may have slept on Thursday night with a smile on her face but the next morning, the smile dropped from her face again. It all began when she entered the college with Arpit after they parked their cycles. Yes, Shrishti still went to college on cycle. She had to drop her bus plan as she was sure that if now she chose to go on bus, people would associate the act with Sharad again.

So Shrishti came to college on her trusty cycle with her trusty friend riding beside her. But once she entered the college, any smile she had on her face was wiped out. Something felt off to her.

'Why does it feel like everyone is staring at me?', she asked Arpit in a whisper.

'Maybe because they are.', he replied, looking around with annoyance.

'Huh?' She looked at him with wide eyes and panic on her face. Now what new problem was coming her way?

'Wonder what happened.', Arpit murmured as he continued to look around, 'Surely not everyone is interested in your and Sharad's old story?'

Just then Daljeet and Divya met them and Arpit did not beat around the bush. He asked right away as to why Shrishti was being stared today while they walked towards their classroom.

Daljeet shook her head. 'Yesterday after you left, a third year student asked Sharad on a date and he refused.'

'So? Why is she being stared for that?' Arpit was baffled.

'Well..... someone clued in the third year and her friends about Shrishti's interest in Sharad and so they assumed that you already asked him and he said yes and that was why Sharad rejected the girl. Now that became a widespread rumour.'

'Once again I ask', Arpit looked fully annoyed now, 'How is this related to staring at Shrishti? Surely there are many people who ask and get rejected because the other person already has a date? What is so special about Sharad or Shrishti that Shrishti is being welcomed with this kind of staring the moment she enters the college? Look! They are still staring at her! It feels as if we are the exhibits at some museum!'

Shrishti was also confused. By now they had reached the class and sat down in their usual seats.

Just then, Lekha came over with another classmate, Babita. Babita spoke up, 'Oh that! Sharad and Shrishti are not the problem. The girl who rejected was the problem.'

'What do you mean?' Divya looked curious.

Babita huffed. 'The girl he rejected is Riya, the college beauty. She is only twenty and already works as a model. Sharad rejected a model!'

'Oh man! He rejected her for God knows what reason! And I am the one targeted for that? What nonsense!' Shrishti groaned.

'I think it is my fault!', came a comment and they turned to see a beautiful girl standing at the door looking sheepish. She looked like those tall models that walked the ramp at foreign fashion weeks, thin and zero size with long straight hair. She also wore light make up and her looks were stunning. Only her kurta and leggings were simple. Change her outfit to something glamorous and she would be perfect for a catwalk right away.

'Oh my! That's Riya!', Babita whispered to them.

Riya came in and smiled at Shrishti uneasily. 'Actually, my friends dared me to ask him out publicly. I thought who would say no to the college beauty and took up the dare. Who knew he would actually reject me! He rejected me in front of everyone and my friends were scared that my rep in college would be ruined! And they knew about your story so they used that as the reason he rejected me and that became a wide spread gossip. I am sorry.' Saying that, she turned and waved some people in. Shrishti's eyes widened as some five to six girls entered the classroom and one by one apologised to her. Shrishti could not believe her eyes. She glanced at her friends to see them look as stupefied as her. Even Babita and Lekha were wide eyed.

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