chapter one

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It was unexpected. Way unexpected.

You were just minding your own business, working your job, and now you're fighting a bad guy. A beast?

You never knew how he got in Starr Park or why he was attacking Starr Park

The greatest Starr park agent that you are hurried to the place where the attack was going. You were running fast with your gear on, to the place where the situation was going. You saw the beast.

The beast looked humongous, all sloppy and wet, greenish color, almost like a fish. He was destroying the parks playground area, where all parents grabbed their kids and ran off.

You felt bad for the kids. Maybe some of them were hurt, dead? You pushed that thought away and ran to him to finish it.

You grabbed your grenade and threw it at him, exploding at his neck. The bomb did some damage, but his skin was too strong for that impact. You sigh and grab your gun, shooting at it, but the bullets do nothing.

In fustration, you grab knives and climb up to stab his eyes and neck, maybe ending it all. Due to the wet skin, the knives were in no use, so you fell down to the floor, hurt. You hit your back and head hard on the ground and on the concrete. You groan and grab your radio, calling some backup. Your co-worker answers and says they will arrive shortly. You wait patiently and stand up, shooting the bullets at him to distract, not to destroy everything in Starr Park. You can't keep your composure and fall, but someone catches you in time. Its Larry

"Are you okay?"
Larry says, in a robotic, caring voice

"Y-yeah.. m-maybe"
You look at the beast, now someone came too. Lawrie.

"How big is this beast?!"
Lawrie says

You were never good partners with Lawrie, both hated each other to the moon and back. You wanted to defeat the beast yourself, but due to the situation, you needed them. You didn't want Lawrie to end the beast so he could get awarded as the beast ender on the news.

You stand up, but the concussion on your head wasn't making it better. You kept your composure steady and fired at the beast.

Like expected, you and Lawrie started to fight. Lawrie screamed at you for your behavior and attitude. You were even more mad at him and screamed at him to help her a little and let yourself end the beast. You and Lawrie scream back and forth, leaving poor Larry to fight alone.

Things happened fast, like Larry, who was thrown to the tree and hit hard to his metal body. The beast swang his tail at Larry and made the impact. Lawrie, seeing this, became even more mad at you for distracting him. Lawrie goes to help Larry, like a caring brother he is, for him only. You sigh in annoyance and shoot the bullets at the beasts eyes, making him fall and groan. Larry gets back up and goes to help you with Lawrie to defeat the beast, but before he can even come, you go to his neck and cut his throath open with a machete, ending it all.

You sigh and sit down on the ground, weak and tired. You did most of the job, which tired you out, time went way too fast, and you fell unconscious, from blood loss. Your body was covered in cuts and bruises. The pain was way too much for you. Larry went to you to check up on you. Larry was always the sweetest, caring robot he ever was. He was known for being the good cop in Starr Park. Lawrie watched you two in annoyance.

Since Larry was more broken, Lawrie had to take you to the doctor to check you out, and to make matters worse, he picked you up not like a bride, but like a bag of potatoes over his shoulder.

"Can you be gentle with her, Lawrie?"
Larry said, worried how you are being carried

"She'll live"
Lawrie said, not caring a thing about you

Larry sighed, a bit annoyed with his decision, but he let it slide and walked with him.

Lawrie knocks on the doctors office door and waits before he opens the door. He puts you down on the strecher and crosses his arms. The doctor takes a quick look and looks at the twin robots

"Thank you for bringing her here. She looks like a second away from dying,"
The doctor says and bandages your wounds.

"No problem, doc"
Lawrie says and leaves the room with lawrie, letting you rest

☆ boom the end of chapter one, it looks very short but im out of ideas, see yall soon. Evelyn tunning out ☆

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