chapter eight

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Another day, another slay, period pooo *turns around while being 500 pounds overweight* okay sorry heres ur story 😭😭😭

The whole weekend was fine. One day, Lawrie asked for help, and you helped. At Sunday just trained and worked out for your job. Monday morning. You wake up, well rested. You have a bad feeling today, like something is about to change. You check the clock, and it says 7 am. Great. Time for work. You do your daily routine, wash your face, teeth, body, and hair. You put on your agent clothes, fix your hair, and eat an apple. You didn't really want breakfast, so an apple will work. You sit down in your car and drive to work. You look around your neighborhood. it's actually quite nice. Every lawn is cut perfectly, and every house is well made and built. Nice neighborhood. You drive to your work and go inside. You go to your lockers, and immediately, you get pressed up by the locker

"Hello, fine diamond."
Someone says

Who is he? Who is talking? You quickly kick his leg from behind and punch him in the face. You look and see it's the new agent. You gasp and quickly cover his nose to stop the bleeding

"Im so sorry."
You say

"Damn, violent type..."
He says

"I thought you were someone... like an intruder..."
You say

You fix his nose and sit him down at the cafeteria. This man looks kinda old, his hair is brown but almost turning gray, he has these blue eyes, clean face no beard. He is rather muscular and taller than you. You cross your arms and look at the man

"Sorry for earlier, never got your name too"
You say

He looks at you and smiles slightly

"Ah, my name is Louis"
He says

Louis huh? Old money type of guy name, ugh.

You nod and look away. You hear someone coming and look at the hallway. Its Larry and Lawrie, thank god. You go to them and smile slightly.

"Good morning, pal!"
Larry says and smiles

Lawrie is rather neutral, not mad like he always is.

Lawrie says, still having that deep, somewhat mad robotic voice.

"Morning guys. There is a new agent in the cafeteria... i dont really like him, he gives me the creeps"
You say

Larry's eyes sky rocket. He gasps and looks at the cafeteria where Louis is sitting. Lawrie crosses his arms, rather mad now

"What? I thought the three of us is enough for this job."
Lawrie says

"I thought so too"
You reply and sigh

"Well, you gotta say hi to him"
You say, and let them pass

The twins walk to Louis, Louis sees this and he stands up, smiling. You go with them and watch the robots. Larry is very friendly, he shakes his hand and smiles. Meanwhile Lawrie is not so friendly, he has his arms crossed and glaring at him, clearly not his favorite. You nudge Lawrie a bit and he sighs

Lawrie says, simple but still he sounds mean

"C'mon, stepped the wrong foot out of the bed?"
He grins, god you wish you could hit his face again, Louis is so annoying.

Lawrie just glares at him, still not liking him

"Sorry for his behavior, he's always like this and never likes new people"
Larry says, but Lawrie hits his shoulder

"Ouch, okay"
Larry says and looks at Lawrie

"Ah, i see. Mad looking robot huh? Takes his job way to seriously."
Louis says

"Okay, go to work. Enough of chit chatting"
You say, not wanting to anger Lawrie more

Louis raises an eyebrow

"Dont tell me what to do, Y/G

Y/G means your gender, okay go back to reading

Y/G? hes dead. You walk to him and grab his shirt collar

"Listen here prick, i dont care that you work here. I could kick your ass in minutes, you dont look like you would ever fight anyone with your stupid little jokes. Now go to work, thats why you were hired here, shithead."
You threathen him and let him go.

Lawrie pulls you beside him. Louis eyes are wide open, he never thought that a Y/G would actually threathen him. Maybe he is a boomer.

"Whatever bitch, go suck a cock."
Louis says

He glares at you, but walks away. You dont enjoy men that dont even respect others. Middle aged men dont know respect, especially on women. You were birthed from a woman, fed from a woman, raised from a woman and you grow up hating on them? What in the actual fuck. You sigh and calm down, taking some breaths.

"You have some nice balls there, i really thought you will punch him or somewhat, or maybe he would"
Lawrie says and smiles slightly

You nod

"Thanks, gotta learn from the best"
You say, winking at him

He nods

"Okay, im gonna head to work, see you at lunch"
Lawrie says

You wave and go to work your work now. Your work is as usual, today you need to look at the cameras of Starr Park. Nothing to serious to be honest, just keeping an eye out from burglars, murderers or more. You have your coffee on the desk, monitors monitering every movement of citizens. Maybe the start of the day was not so great but hey, maybe it will get better, no? You continue to watch the security cameras for about 4 hours, then you get hit by a bat. You whimper in pain and kick the intruder away. You look and see Louis, what? Wait, what is he doing? He charges at you with the bat but you quickly grab it and punch him in the face. He groans and grabs his gun, shooting at your side. You scream in pain, but you dont give up. Louis swings his bat and hits you in the face, knocking you out. You dont remember what happened most of the part. You remember being dragged and put in the back of the trunk.

You wake up in a black room with only one light. You try to move but your arms and legs are tied up. You try to scream but your mouth is duct taped. Where are you? What is this place? Why Louis? Why?....

You hear someone walking in the room and you look at the two figures. Its Louis and other man. Louis removes the duct tape and you immediately start to yell at him

you yell and Louis smacks you in the face

"Shut up, ."
Louis says, and grabs a knife

You immediately shut up and start to worry. You dont want to die, its too soon for you. You just started to live. No no no no no. He puts the knife against your neck and he smiles

"Listen here, i want you to do something for me."
He says

"Grab a gun, kill the twins, boss and citizens in the park. I will pay you a million dollars. Deal?"
He says

You look at him with tears in your eyes, you dont know what to say. Do you take the offer?

☆ boom kaboom say it in the comments if you should take it or nah. Evelyn tunning out ☆

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