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Anabelle doesn't remember the first time she met Ariana Flores.

Ariana was a very innocent child.

Unlike Anabelle's childhood self.

As she was the naughtiest girl around, with her results, trying to be cool behaviour and ugliness.

With her foggy memories, she can recollect a day when there was an art competition.

Ariana's and her mum were talking.

Well, ignoring her foggy memories.

In Ana's first year of the colony, she was bullied.

In her second and third year, she was a "clerk friend"

In her 4rth year, she was considered a friend.

So, when everything was settled, with her, Rachel, Sara and Ruby being the eyesores of the colony ladies.

They were the only girls of that age .

Somewhere in the timeline, Ariana Flores arrived.

She and her sister Amber Flores, 2 years their junior.

Well, Rachel being Rachel, started bullying Ariana in everything.

Anabelle being her right hand man( perhaps woman) was always there to taunt her.

But unlike Anabelle, Ariana brought the bullying upon herself.

As she was thin,  tall and sickly.

Rachel's extravagant games were no Mach for her and she always lost the games.

And her mother went around complaining to the girls mother's about how they intentionally made her daughter the loser.

Welp, then Rachel's anger knew no bounds.

Anabelle was indifferent towards Ariana before BUT this ticked her off.

Supportive mothers....


Ariana had one.


Why not her.

Anabelle was jealous of Ariana greatly.

And nothing is worse than a women's jealousy.

No matter what age she is.

So, yeah, poor Ariana was hawked by Rachel and Annabelle.

Then somewhere along the lines Ariana and Annabelle saw they were quite similar.

And they became friends.

But at last Anabelle was too scared of Rachel and power thirsty to keep their friendship.

And now, with her foggy memories she only remembered their being enemies.


Anabelle had a history of chameleon.

She was a tomboy until 7 th grade.

Looking herself in the mirror she scrunched her nose.

She was wearing her mum's old dress.

Of course she doesn't own any extravagant clothes.

She put extra care into her hair straightening today and even wore heels.

She knew she looked gorgeous.

But her friends will ruin it.

Her classmates, who still haven't moved on from her tomboy phase will overreact.

And of course.

Rachel and Sara.

If she by any chance looks better than them .

It was over.

Sighing, she came out of the house.

The clothes hung on her awkwardly.

Thank god her mum was skinny.

"Skinny people looks good in everything"

Petite and pretty aren't the same thing.

"Omgggg the prince charming turned into a princess"

She mentally rolled her eyes.

She was prepared.

That's when she saw Dyre.

Her present crush.

Also, Rachel's future boyfriend.

Well, she gotta flex right?

After all, She put all that thought into her appearance!

Andddd There comes Rachel!

And she looked so pretty, ana was no option.

She sighed.

Oh her heartbroken mood is perfect.

There's even a sad song going on the stage.

What, guitar....?

Her head shot up.

A boy she didn't know was singing.

And the cute boy was playing guitar.

Finally she reached where Rachel was.

"Heyyyy Ana! You look pretty"

"Thanks baby" Anabelle hugged the shorter girl.

Somewhere along the time, Rachel has turned into the sweetest thing.

In fact, Ana liked to think it was for her.

She still had the god awful temper.

And jealousy.

But it was cute.

They sat side by side, Ana buying a candy floss.

She always eats nowadays.

Maybe it's just flexing the skinnyness.

"I wish I could eat left and right like you"
Rachel sighed.

"I wish I was as pretty as you, and talented"

"Look at this double chin"
Rachel forced her chin into her neck.

As the girls were laughing, a very sweet voice travelled to Ana's ears.

The type of voice that immediately shuts you up.

Looking at the stage, she saw the cute boy.

Smiling like that while playing the guitar.

Accompanied by the sweet melodious voice.

Damn, does he has any idea what effect he had?

Like a sheep in the village of wolves.

"He sings pretty" Ana muttered.

"Doesn't he? "
Rachel replied.

"He is always discrimited for being handsome, even his guitar skills are called all talk.

"Say, what was his name again?" Ana asked, staring of to space.

"Sebastiano. Sebastiano Brando "

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