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Suzaku and Sara hi'ing was an everyday occurrence.

And so was Sara asking Ana to look towards him.

Ana never did, her pride was too big for that.

But she did that day.

She shifted her eyes as she saw Suzaku leaning on the bench, one hand in his pocket another hi'ing her.

The classic "bad boi" vibes spilling off him.

Ana hi'ed back and immediately looked away.

Then looked again.

And they kept awkwardly hi'ing until Ana sighed.

"Sara, give us a damn subject"

Suzaku moved closer and stood Infront of her.

A wooden bench in-between them.

"So, I heard you cut?"

He said pointing at his wrist.

Wow, what a great start conversation Start !

"Yeah, a little" Ana proudly said, pointing atthe small cut she managed the other day.

"Are you an atheist?"

"Well, I simply don't like the idea that I have to follow rules set up way before my birth"

"So am I"

"What music do you listen to?"

Ana thought for a while, she listens to jpop mostly.
Then again, she listened to Ariana Grande in third grade and she blew up some years later.
She listened to BTS in fourth grade who also blew up some years later.

So if she mentioned Ali project or Kenshi yonezu , they might too.

And Sex Pistols are her and her only.

She preferred to keep her liked people secret.

"Random "

They were engrossed in a very scenic conversation apparently.

"So how does your parents take the fact that you are not religious?"

"They think I'm just aloof, what about you?"

"They knows, and doesn't care. Infact, they don't care about what I do, they've given me a room and like, don't come near "

"Oh" Ana got shocked.

He looked like, so... normal?

They often found themselves at a loss of subjects and screamed at Sara to give them one.

As they were right beside, enjoying the show.

"Talk about love " Sara cheesily grinned.

Ana scoffed,

"So what is your girlfriend's name?"

"I have four at the moment?"

"Oh , all of their names then"

Suzaku asked her,

"So, do you have any inspiration?"

"Not really, but after talking to you...you maybe?"

Suzaku put his hand on his chest, acting flattered.

When their wierd emo conversation was nowhere near the end,the school bell rang.

Ana started,

"So, I wanted to talk to you for a long time, but Didn't want to annoy you. So, I'm really glad you talked to me "

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