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Yoongi placed the various documents that he had gathered and organised neatly, positioning them on the bookshelves, where he had taken them from. After almost an hour of effort and work, the pianist finally took a deep breath and settled down to have a much needed rest. Yoongi was trying to decompress and relax after a long day but it seemed he would not have the luxury he had been hoping for as the sound of the door opening interrupted his thoughts. "Yoongi!" he heard his name being called, immediately catching his attention.

Upon entering the room, Mino snapped the door shut and approached the pianist with a stern expression on his face. "What's your problem?" Mino began questioning Yoon, clearly frustrated by the pianist's actions."What the heck is wrong with you?" He further inquired with an angry harsh tone.

Yoongi was caught off guard by the sudden outburst that the Mino exhibited. So he responded with a mixture of frustration and indignation, in the calmest way possible "First of all, learn how to knock," he said to express his annoyance towards the lack of decorum by which his friend had entered the room. "Second," he continued, shifting to the main focus of the situation, "what are you talking about?"

"My problem is the upcoming play," Mino relayed in a firm and almost irritable manner; "Listen," he proceeded to advise him, his words coming out in a straightforward manner, "Your job is to determine if everything is going well with the external connections of the play and act accordingly. My job is to train the dancers." He continued, making clear which role and responsibilities were in charge of whom. "Don't mix them up," he stressed, as they should not interfere with each other.

Yoongi sat back down into his seat, he had not realised he had been standing, his hands folding together upon the table as he focused his attention on Mino's words. I don't know what nonsense you're talking about," he stated, expressing his confusion. "Mino, speak clearly," he continued to press; his patience and tolerance clearly nearing their limits at this point.

Mino ran his hand through his hair -a gesture full of stress, then he turned toward the pianist once again. "It's exactly about Park Jimin," he stated. Upon mentioning Park Jimin, the pianist's expression instantly changed, this guy was driving him nuts.

Yoongi appeared confused and dismissive of Mino's comments, "I still don't see anything relevant to me," he stated coldly, remaining defiant as he responded.

"His performance has been getting worse for the last week," Mino uttered, revealing that his concerns about Park Jimin extended beyond just the play rehearsal, as he disclosed the fact that Jimin hadn't attended practice sessions for the past two days. In addition, he continued; "Jimin has proven himself to be the epitome of the phrase "practice makes perfect". Even if he's covered in blood, he's going to show up".- he remained silent for a second staring at the pianist

"You have seen him dancing through sprains, sickness, and fever. His commitment is flawless."-Mino appeared increasingly frustrated as the discussion progressed- "Every time so far, everything has been fine, so do you have any idea why he is missing the dance sessions?" he finished up.

Yoongi maintained his defiant stance, then proceeded to remind the trainer that the dancers were his responsibility and area of expertise, "Like you just said," he stated. "Your dancers are your business, not mine. How am I supposed to know?"- he answered.

Oh Min Yoongi, you are supposed to know; -Mino spoke back at the pianist- I am aware he came to you when last week's lesson finished, and I overheard what you said to him.- Mino continued to press -You probably remember the club we went to a few days ago, Jimin was there, last time I saw him you were leaving together, and the very next day he hit me up saying that he couldn't come to practise- he pointed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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