The faded figure

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Smiling a little,hiding the feelings inside himself,he walked out of the hall. Towards the car parked outside. He was leaving. Not just the venue of her wedding but the world.

It was not like he did not tell her. He had. He had tried to tell hee thousands of ways,who he was. That he was there just for her. But all he heard was no.

Finally,when he was bidding a farewell too,he had told her. What was about to happen. But she never cared. No matter who urged her,she just did not take it seriously may be. All this was just child's play for her. He smiled. How he wished to shake her awake and tell her,it was not. He was really there. But he gave up. Rather than creating another one who gets lost in so called vanity of something,he would rather fade away quietly.

As his footsteps left,he kept stopping. Looking back at every step. The night was cold. The white shirt and long coat made of silk,it was moving along with faint breeze. His hair fell on his forehead. Rain fell down from sky,as if sky was sad. He smiled. Ofcourse sky was sad. He was sad.

"Skylar.."he halted..

"Skylar.."he heard a voice calling him. He smiled. May be this time he succeeded.  May be finally she looked at him,once.

"Hey. I am talking to you. You dropped your kerchief"she said..

He turned around. As his hand extended towards the white kerchief,he tried to search something in her eyes. But all he saw was just black eyes staring back at him..

"Thank you. I donot remember dropping it though" he tried hid best to act..

She just smiled and nodded. Then walked back.

Afterall they were friends. She knew he had feelings for her. And she was quite familiar with his cheesy talks.

But she was getting married. And in few hours she would be the bride of someone else.

He smiled at her back. He had got the call from someone. He had to go somewhere.

He sat leaning on the car,as the driver drove it. He sighed. The perfume his driver used was a gift from him. And this one was totally different. 

As the car was parked in a corner street,he looked at the cctv cameras. They were coincidentally nor working. He just sighed.

As the man pulled out the gun and unloaded the bullets,all he could think was..

"Could you atleast pick a different spot? It was the same spot last time dammit.."

The man smirked in satisfaction,but it did not last long,as the car which was parked on the wrong side was crashed by a lorry that had lost control. Karma..

All the driver could do was feel the glasses,crashing onto him,as his head hit jn different direction.  He had removed his safety belt to shoot Skylar..

Next day all thr news channels were flashing news..

Famous painter and philanthropist Skylar Silverstone was shot dead..

May be her heart felt a little pity.

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