Chapter one

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Americas pov

I scurried around my room, It was a mess. I put a large pile of clothes into a basket, I wipe the sweat from my forehead away with my sleeve.

I looked down at my clothes, I was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans and sneakers. Not very prince like of me...
I snort rolling my eyes. I'll change later, it's not like fathers having anyone over at the castle today.

I look out my window at the city below. I could see the white houses draped with vines and I could see walking or riding horses down the brick streets, the shopping stands set up on each side of the street. The white walls of the houses clashes well with the brick roofs. Along the castle was a large river and a wall on the opposite side.

I could see the forest and snowy mountains in the distance, my heart aches longing to go outside the walls.
I shake my head sighing.

Father didn't allow us to leave the castle, he told dark tales of the outside world.

"AMERICA GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I flinched hearing my brother yell.
"COMING NADA!" I yell back to Canada.

I quickly go into my walk in closet. I grab a white suit and put it on, I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my long blonde hair into a ponytail over my shoulder. I brushed my bangs to the side and put my crown on, I put on grey gloves.

I head downstairs quietly, I gave a quick greeting to some of the guards before going into the dining room. I look down and looked at my plate. My father... King Britain, eyes me for a moment. Canada sat next to me dressed in a blood red suit. My other siblings where probably away for now.

I pick up my fork and nervously start eating. My mother cleared her throat and I looked up meeting her blue gaze. "America there is something me and your father have to tell you." France said warily.

"What is it Ma?" I asked concerned.

"In a month there will be a ball happening, and we need you to be on your best behavior alright?" I frown but nod, I couldn't help but feel there was more to it...

2 am.
??? pov

I looked around my room making sure nothing was forgotten, I took a shaky breath and pulled my black cloak on jumping onto the windowsill, I open my window and slip out, I took out my knife and use it to help me climb down the palace walls.

I land into small beach next to the river. I hide behind some bushes as some guards walk past. I pull my hood over my head and pull my black mouth mask over my lower face, I see a carriage leaving the castle.

'There's my chance...' while the carriage halted as the guards started to lower the bridge. I slip under the carriage wrapping my cape around my waist so it isn't seen, I cling to the bottom of the carriage as it starts to move.

I hold onto the bars on the bottom of the carriage before when the carriage turned a street, I let go falling onto the street onto my chest and stomach, I groan slightly and stand up running out of the road.

I look around. 'Where is he...?' I slip through the crowd, the city was constantly busy no matter what time of day or night.

I hear the familiar sound of a familiar guitar... I sprint towards it, I see a ladder in a alley way. I climb up it onto the roof of the white building, I had to lift my knees so I didn't trip on any plants. I looked over to see a good friend of mine sitting on the roof looking over to the city his back to me.

I sit down next to him and pull my hood down.

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