Chapter three

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Sry for not posting sooner, also this is Soviet/USSR's chapter 😄😌 AKA his view of the day
Cussing warning

Soviet taps his pencil on his scroll grumbling softly. He takes off his brown ushanka putting it on his desk. His bear ears twitch and he runs his red fingers through his red hair.

He groans. "This makes no sense..." he looks back at the blank scroll. His father had just told him to write something about the royals. The thing is...

Soviet didn't know anything about the royals! His father absolutely hated them so all he knew was bad stuff and that wasn't really a lot since the royals are these 'perfect family' or some shit.

His yellow eyes flicker to his window. He adjusts the green like tie around his neck. (I don't know what it's called, it kinda wraps around your neck but it has a rag idk)

There was a small thud and he glances up seeing his little brother, Russia (yes there siblings instead of father and son in this au) standing in the door way

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There was a small thud and he glances up seeing his little brother, Russia (yes there siblings instead of father and son in this au) standing in the door way. "What do you want asshole?" Soviet growls softly.

Russia rolled his blue eyes. "Dad needs you to go into town to pick up some medicine for mom." "And why can't you do that yourself?" Soviet asked his brows knitting together his eyes narrowed.

"That's none of your shitty business." Russia snaps growling storming out. Soviet sighs standing up and puts his ushanka on again adjusting it to cover his bear ears, he leaves his room closing the door behind him.

A strong smell of herbs slapped him in the face making him wrinkle his nose slightly, he walks through the halls of the house and he got towards the door slipping his black boots on and pulling his brown jacket on that had some hare fur on the inside and the collar was folded slightly over the shoulders. The fur was a creamy white color, he pulls his black gloves on. He steps out flinching slightly at the bitter cold air.

He walks through the busy street having to weave his way through, he was like 6'0 which was unusual for his age (17) around this part of town.
His boots make splashing sounds in the slush of the snow, it must have rained last night.

He ducks as a duck flew over his head and growls softly muttering a few curses in Russian. There was a sound of a bell as he opens a door stepping into a shop, the warm smell of cinnamon filled his nose making his mouth water slightly but he ignores it.

He walks over to the counter. "Order 32." He growls. The guy at the counter nods and goes into the back. Soviet looks around the shop, there where herbs hanging from the wooden ceiling, chai, lavender, cinnamon, and some rosemary.
The shop was small and cozy, there was shelf's with jars full of herbs and pills. There was soft music playing in the background.

When the guy comes back he hands Soviet a brown paper bag, Soviet put the bag into his jacket pocket and hands the guy a golden coin before leaving. He sighs, he heads along the road not wanting to head home yet. His mother could wait, she just had a common cold it wasn't life or death situation.

He decided to visit Third Reich. The two boys had been friends since toddlers.
He shrugs and makes his way through the city the cold breeze running through his red hair.
He hums as he walks, the city's loud noise gave him a slight headache but his ushanka muffled it so it didn't bother him much.

He walks infront of a large building tucked inbetween two larger ones, he rings the doorbell tapping his foot impatiently.
The door opens revealing the figure of German Empire. His red eyes widen slightly. "Ah Soviet, come on in." He steps aside letting Soviet in.

When he does he saw West and East Germany playing in the living room with Third Reich slumped on the couch looking bored as fuck.

"Hey bud." Third Reich jumped up grinning showing his sharp teeth when he saw Soviet. "Soviet!" He hugs him tightly, Soviet winced slightly, he wasn't really a hug person.

He gave in and hugged back before pulling away. West and East looked up him and he raised a eyebrow. West put his small hands on his hips looking at him with narrowed eyes.

Soviet realized what he wanted. "Oh." He kneels down hugging both the 9 year olds gently.
TR took his hand in his and pulled him... or more like dragged, him upstairs into his room.

The males sit on the bed and chat for a while, mostly about random shit. TR mostly talked about pretty woman he saw on the street, mostly complimenting there hair styles and colors. (He ain't a pervert in this au)

Soviet just nods.
About 5 hours later Soviet realized he should head back before his dad got 'worried'. He stood up and said goodbye to TR, the blue eyed country crossed his arms pouting slightly but didn't push it.

Soviet goes through the snowy street, he realized it was getting late, he looks at his watch. It was 8:43pm.

He then bumps into someone and he grunts. "Hey watch it!" "S-sorry!" A male voice squeaks. He paused and looks who he bumped into. It was a short male, in all black. He couldn't really see his face, and he had sunglass on.
He was short and he white, blue and red hair from what he could see (I changed the hair color over time).

"...Umm..." the male stares at him slightly. "Never mind bye!" The male runs off before Soviet could say anything. "Hmm..." he frowns. He goes back to his house, his father gave him a stern talking but nothing more.

Russia gave him a smug 'I told you so' look, which just made him want to punch his brother in the face.
He goes to his room and lays down but he couldn't stop thinking about the male... why does he feel like he's connected to him in someway?

Sry it's short, also random ass question... should I make a *random country* x reader book?

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