clingy (requested)

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644 words

travis's pov:
i wake up around 7am, to taylor laying beside me waiting for me to wake up. "oh, g'morning babygirl" i say while giving her a kiss on her temple.

"i love you travis" she says, which was kinda random, but hey, at least she likes me. "i love you baby, how'd you sleep?" i ask her. "i wanna be held." she says, ignoring me precious question.

"alright, c'mere tay" i say, gesturing her to move closer to my body. she looks up and give me a kiss on my cheek and smiles.

"just a warning, but i have to get up in 30 minutes for football, so we can't cuddle all morning babygirl" i say. as much as i would love to, i unfortunately have things to do.

"what, but i don't want you to go, i wanna be with you travis." she says. "i wanna be with you to baby, but my practice is only a couple of hours long, you'll be okay." i assure her.

she's awfully clingy this morning. she sometimes is a little bit clingy, but it's never this bad. i don't know if something is wrong, should i be worried? i love her with all my heart, and am certainly not complaining, but i'm slightly worried about her.

"are you alright tay?" i ask her. "i'm fine? why? what's wrong?" she says. "oh it's nothing, you're just a little clingy this morning." i respond with laughter.

"oh, uh sorry." she says. "oh, no, not like that, i love you when you're clingy taylor, i was just a little bit worried. that's all" i say. i really hope she didn't get the wrong idea when i said that.

after 30 minutes of cuddling passes, she drifted off back to sleep. so i try to slowly move away from her, which is difficult because she's literally laying on top of me.

i'm hoping i can leave before she notices, but i doubt that'll happen. "trav?" she says, still half asleep. "what's up baby?" i respond. "where are you going?" she asks.

"babygirl, i've gotta go to football, remember?" i say. "oh, yeah." she says with her smile leaving her face.

i know i'm not really supposed to call in sick, but im really tempted too. my girlfriend needs me today which is far more important than football. after a couple minutes of debating i decide to take the day off.

"hey babygirl, i called in sick today, im gonna stay home with you." i say. "really? thank you trav, i don't know why but, im just really attached to you today." she says.

"i know you are baby. how about we get up and start our day thought, since you're already awake?" i ask her. "alright." she says.

after using the bathroom, brushing teeth and all that stuff we decide to eat breakfast. "what do you want to eat tay?" i ask her. "hmm, pancakes with fruit maybe?" she says.

we had leftover pancakes from yesterday so i reheated those and got some fruit out of the fridge for the both of us.

after the food is done being prepared, we sit together on the couch and start eating. i turned on greys anatomy last night and forgot to turn it off, so it was already playing.

within minutes of sitting down on the couch, taylor had already managed her way to be draped over me cuddled up again. "i love you travy." she says while kissing me.

this is kinda just random, but i think it's pretty cute and i enjoyed writing it. thanks for all the requests btw, im having some major writing block right now.

also should i write some one-shots of taylor and travis as parents? let me know if you guys have any ideas or requests for that.

leave requests here!

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