The Birthday Party

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My name is Danny. I'm an 18 year old guy, just like any other guy.
Tommorow I am leaving for college, which should be fun, since I am really
tired of this city and this life and especially my parents... Right now, I
am playing grand thef auto 5 on my xbox. Our parents won't be back until
tommorow, it's a nice saturday morning, I have the whole day to play gta
5, which I absolutely love! How could this day get any better?

My little sister Claire (14) walks in to the room:

"Morning Danny."

"Morning Claire.."

"Playing that dumb game again?"

"Yes. You can't join."

"Listen... Something is up..."

"Yeah, that's cool"

"No, seriously. You know that event me and Tom are going to?"

(Tom is my 13 year old brother. I also have a 19 year old sister Sarah."

"Umm yeah.. What about it"

As we were talking, I countinued playing the game without paying too much
attention to her.

"Well, we were going to go with Sarah. It was suppose to be really awesome
and all, but.. Sarah can't go"

"No... I'm not gonna go with you. I can take you there, but that's it."

"Well.. We kinda have to be with an adult. We can't go by ourselves. So,
if you come with us, both me and Tom have agreed to give you our savings.
Which is like a thousand dollars or so"

NOW she got my attention. When our grandmother sold her land, she gave
away the money to her children and grandchildren. We each got a bit more
than 500 dollars. I spent mine months ago..

"But even if you agreed to go, it would be a problem, cause we have to
come with a sister, not a brother. It has to be a girl"


"I don't, Sarah said that. Something about a special program for the
acompanying sisters."

"UMm. What exactly IS the event?"

"Oh, It's Olga's birthday. Her dad is opening a mall near their house, so
right before the opening, there's gonna be a huge birthday party in the
mall. Only select people are coming.. Since she's our cousin, we're
invited. Well, me Tom and Sarah. Not you.."

"WHAT? Why didn't you tell me that before?"

"It's awkward. I know you have some nasty history or something.."

"Nasty history? She's a freak... Even if she invited me, I wouldn't go!"

"Uh-huh, what ever. So getting back on the subject.. Like I said, we'll
give you almost a thousand dollars if you go with us."

"If I go with you? You said only a girl can take you. What, you want me to
dress up as a girl or something?" I said laughing...

At that moment my little brother Tom came into the room.

"So, did you ask him already?"

"Wait, are you for real? You seriously want me to dress up as a girl and
come with you to the mall party?"

"Come on man, you're like what, 5'6"? You have pretty long hair, your
kinda skinny. When you were little, people used to mistake you for a girl
all the time. In fact, people still mistake you for a girl sometimes!"

"Screw you, Tom!"

"Danny... please, you could totally pass. No one will recognize you, it's
only for today, we get back at like 1 a.m., you change back and that's the
end of it. And you get a thousand dollars out of it. Why not? Tell me a
reason" - Claire said in gentle voice.

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