First Day at the College

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Danny parked his car at the bus station, his sister had given him his car
and told him to leave it there with the keys in the visor, and she'd pick
it up later. It was a hasty departure from his childhood home, but it
was necessary under the circumstances.

Daniel had agreed to attend his cousin's birthday bash at the mall,
chaperoning his two younger siblings dressed as a woman since his cousin
had held a grudge against him for the past 6 years or so when he turned
down her sexual advances towards him. So, he let his sisters dress him
up, and went to the party in disguise, and got himself made over at the
mall's salon...only to find that his cousin Olga recognized him anyway.

Long story short, Danny had had too much to drink last night, and this
morning found himself with several tattoos that he didn't previously
have. He hated tattoos, and hated the ones on his body even more. He
was mortified! I mean, a butterfly tramp stamp! Only sluts got that! A
rose on his shoulder, and a bird near his ankle? Couple all that with
the navel piercing...and his body screamed a slut in heat! But that
wasn't the worse of it.

The worst was that he somehow had what his sister called "permanent make
up", a series of tattoos on his face giving him perfect feminine
eyebrows, eyeliner and lipstick. He scrubbed for as hard as he could,
and it just would not come off. He was beyond hysterical on his drive to
the bus stop. He needed time to just calm down, and none of this was
helped by the massive hang over he was experiencing.

Boarding the bus, he felt like the world was watching him as he climbed
aboard dressed in his sister's clothes. The pink tank top screamed for
attention, and the pink flip flops seemed flirtatious in a girlish sort
of way. He tried to stay quiet by himself, and sulked onto the seat in
utter depression. What was he going to do?

He didn't have long to wait. As very quickly the bus filled up. The run
to the University was very popular, as many school kids took it when
returning from their summer break, which Danny was doing for the first
time as he was newly enrolled at the school. A young 21 year old kid
with medium length dark hair and a light coat motioned to the seat next
to Danny asking if it was taken. The bus was filling up to capacity, so
Danny muttered that it was free, and tried to stay invisible.

For the next 15 minutes, he did his best to avoid conversation with this
boy. But it was no use. This person kept talking incessantly. He went
on and on about the theater program, and how the school's director had
tasked him with directing the upcoming production of Avenue Q. How it
was difficult finding sets and casting and like. He occasionally tried
to ask Danny about his interests, and Danny could tell this man was
clearly trying to make the moves on him. He had no idea how to handle

Tom and his sisters claimed that they found him with a man this morning
in his bed. But he didn't believe them. I mean, he wasn't gay, and he
had no memory of that whatsoever. Not really anyway...maybe something at
a dance...but nothing back at his home...he was sure of that. That was
crazy! But how could he turn this guy away discretely? Worse still,
being a guy himself, he felt a little bad for the person making all this
effort...knowing how it would feel to ultimately get rejected. So, he
sucked it up, and did his best at small talk.

They spoke about school programs...and when that subject dried out...the
best places to eat at the school. Danny told the guy, who's name was
Chris, that he was an incoming freshman. Chris was surprised to hear
that, thinking that Danny looked much too sophisticated to be a mere 18
year old. They talked and joked...and Chris told him all the ways he
snuck alcohol onto campus in his freshman year. Danny was happy to hear
about made him feel normal. In fact, for the first time that
today, he forgot that he was wearing short girl jean shorts and a pick
tank top with red toenails peeking their way out of his pink sandals. He
had forgotten about his sultry permanently tattooed eyes, and when he
laughed...he did so as he normally would...not realizing that to anyone
else, he looked to be exactly what he appeared to be...a happy young girl
heading off to college.

When they reached college, Danny reached under the seat in front of him
to get his bag. While doing so, his actions of leaning forward gave
Chris a full view of his butterfly tramp stamp. Chris smiled with lust
seeing the sexy girl reach down for something, and meekly offered to

Danny made his way to the Admissions Office, and thanked Chris for the
enjoyable ride to school. What else could he say? He was trying to be
polite. Anyway, he waited in line for about an hour and a half before he
was called before an Administrator. The woman looked him over and
suddenly started typing away at her computer.

"That's not a problem...we can fix that," she said, not letting Daniel
know that she was updating the University's computers to reflect that a
mistake had been made, and that Danny was actually female and not male.
"Oh...look at that!" she said excitedly. "I just updated your file, and
it appears that you're eligible for a full scholarship! Let me go get
that paperwork for you to sign."

Danny was pleasantly surprised. When he applied, he had been awarded a
partial scholarship, but had missed out on the full one. He was all too
eager to sign the paperwork granting him a full eager,
that he didn't even realize that it was awarded by a program designed to
promote women in higher education, and thus only available to women.
Danny had already taken out the student loans, so the sudden news of this
additional scholarship left him in a position very few students ever find
themselves in. As a cash rich student! He had over $14,000 in his
account from his student loan in addition to the living allowance he
already had. He figured he would just bank it, and leave it there for an

He got his class schedule, and found his dorm room. To his horror...he
found himself put into the girl's dorm building. This had to be a
mistake he said to himself as he walked in. He learned about all the
rules from the RA, and how men were not allowed in the building after
9pm. It was very strict, and he didn't know what to he just
kept quiet until he was able to get to his own room. It was small...but
it was a single room. It wasn't just small, it was exceptionally small
actually. Mostly just a bed, and a computer desk and some closet space.
But it connected to a common room, which 3 other women had access to from
their individual dorm rooms. He met them all: Alicia (a Nurse student),
Elizabeth (a Theater major), and Charlotte (a undeclared major at this
point). They all seemed very friendly...but more importantly...all were
very hot!

They were the hottest girls that Danny had ever been around. His dick
swelled in his panties being around them. They joked and flirted, and
talked about boyfriends amongst each other. It was clear that they were
all friends already, and the assumption was that they expected Danny to
be their friend as well.

They asked about the bus ride there, and he told them. They wanted to
know all the details about Chris...and as luck turns out...Elizabeth
suddenly told the group that she thought she knew who the guy was! Danny
got into his role...and was going on telling them about the bus ride up.
How Chris took an immediate interest in her, he sort of liked all the
"oooh's and ahhhh's" he was getting from the girls. It was nice to feel
like he was part of something that made his experiences "normal".

He next told them about the unexpected good news about the scholarship.
Alicia cried out, "So you won the Lady Stanton Fellowship Award?'re one lucky girl! All women try out for that! It goes to
the woman with best grades that emulates the suffragist that she had

A little perplexed, you ask, "You mean that it's only for girls?"

"Well...duhhhh," Alicia said, feeling that it was beyond ridiculous to
ask such a question when the scholarship was for women only, and to help
them achieve in schools and fields where men only had previously. "Let's
get you unpacked."

You went to your room and opened your suitcase, suddenly seeing all your
boy clothes packed up. The girls next to you stood there silent and you
had to think quick. "Dammit! What am I going to do?" you asked. "I
grabbed my brother Tom's bag, and he must have mine!"

"No worries," Charlotte said. "You have all that extra money from the
loan...I know you said it was an emergency...but honey...this is it!
Gee, I'd hate to be your brother Tom! Can you imagine arriving at your
University the first day as a boy, and only have girl clothes to wear?
How humiliating!"

"Yeah," you sort of quietly scoffed, as you left with the girls to get a
yourself a wardrobe of girl clothes that you didn't want. You didn't
find that joke funny at all. In fact, you were living that joke out for
real...and didn't find it humorous at all. That's alright you thought.
You only needed to get through the next day or so, and then you'd figure
out how to get out of it...and how to return to normal.

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