Twenty-Six || Hell

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A/N : Welcome to Season 2

If you had told your five-year-old self that you'd be in love and received an incredibly poetic confession from THE Ishigami Senku, she'd have laughed in your face.

Never in your life did you imagine that the obnoxious brat would fall in love with you, and you certainly never imagined that you would fall in love with him back.

But now look at yourself.

You looked at him in disbelief, face flushed scarlet in the moonlight.

Your mouth opened and closed like a fish, unable to contain your shock long enough to speak.

But before the moment passed, the thoughts in your head were literally screaming for you to answer him.

This was perfect timing! His stunning appearance was highlighted by the moon, and when he confessed first, it became evident that you also couldn't contain your emotions anymore.

"Now I can die happy..."

You said beneath your breath, gradually stretching your lips into a genuine smile.

Some might say that when they received a confession, they felt a swell in their chest, a lump in their throat, and feelings of happiness overwhelming them — They may have shed tears of joy.

You, too, felt all of it; you were overjoyed.

Butterflies began to flutter in your stomach, tickling you like crazy. That's why you started chuckling uncontrollably and instantly covered your entire face with your hands to cover off that stupid smile of yours.

'Holy shit, this is happening!' You were ecstatically squealing inside your head, 'This is actually happening! Holy shit!! No way!!'

On the other hand... Senku was genuinely letting out a really huge sigh of relief.

Now that you've accepted his confession, the burden he carried is lifted. It's finally relieved to no longer have to hide his feelings for you. He could practically feel free now that you two had confessed.

All that was seen in his eyes was his sincere affection for you; He love you.

Yes, he felt so ashamed until his face became red, to the point that he wanted to leave. But, when you started acting like you were the one confessing, he couldn't help but chuckle.

Why are you the one who seems much more nervous than he is? That's hilarious.

"Come on. Look at me." Senku gave you a playful grin and put his fingers around your wrist, pulling it away from your face so he could see your flustered expression, "(Name), please look at me."

When you take a peek, you quickly regret it.

His huge, absolutely beautiful eyes were like shining rubies. It was like staring into a puppy's eyes and knowing there was something dangerous waiting behind it to tease you.

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