slingshot balls (not real part just board) 💭

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slingshot balls part 1 and 2

*you sighed* "i have no one to dance with." *you felt like crying. it was lonely having no one to talk to, and you tried to keep the tears falling down your eyes.* "i guess i'll be lonely again this year." *you mumbled. you sat down at one of the nearby tables, and stared at the floor. beside you, you could hear someone scoot next to you. you looked over to see slingshot. he was pretty cute. he had his suit, which was matching the theme. the theme was to wear gold and yellow.* "oh, hi." *you try not to sound sad, but it still comes out that way. slingshot smiles, and pats you on the head. 'what is this guy doing?' you think to yourself, and blush slightly* "hi, you seem lonely." *slingshot says in a sweet and gentle voice.* "if you'd like, i could dance with you." *slingshot stands up, and he lays his hand in front of you, hoping you'll take it.* "r-really?" *you say* "yes, really, come on! there's no time to waste." *you take slingshot's hand, and hurry to a special area to dance. you stare into slingshots eyes, his eyes sparkle, and it reminds you of the ocean. the waves collapsing on each other. you tried not to fall, but you were slightly shaking. slingshot seemed to notice, but didn't mind it. this was the first year you actually had someone to dance with, and you wish it could last forever.*

*slingshot's eyes darted to y/n* "damn it, they're beautiful." *he mumbled. he couldn't help but stare. he wasn't a creep, but he couldn't take his eyes off them. he watched them go to a table and sit down. they looked upset, and slingshot felt bad for them. he walked up to them, and sat next to them.* "hi, you seem lonely." *slingshot pointed out.* "if you'd like, i could dance with you." *slingshot patted them on the head, and tried to make y/n feel better.* "r-really?" *slingshot could hear the sadness in their voice, and felt even more sympathy.* "yes, really, come on! there's no time to waste!" *slingshot stood up, and he invited them to dance, holding his hand out. he gently waited. he hoped they might take it, no, they **would** take it. he watched you hesitate, but take it anyways, and dragged them to his favorite part of the ballroom. it wasn't too crowded there, but not too empty that no one would be watching. he stared into their eyes. it reminded them of the night sky, stars glittering and sparkling. as if they were his wish. he knew you were the one, and he knew he was your perfect match.*

464 words btw

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