Chapter 5 - Forest

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A beautiful meadow, as far as the eyes could see. A bright blue sky that was far too perfect to be real, and a cool breeze that did not reflect the humidity of the current seasons.

Olwen knew she had to be dreaming, especially after recognising the silvery grey furred wolf opposite her.


Olwen had barely seen her wolf form like this, but she looked...different. There were no injuries, and her coat of fur looked shiny and healthy, not matted with the dirt, water and leaves that she had picked up while in the Wilds for these past few months.

And Opal wasn't even acknowledging her.

She was staring off into the distance, sniffing at something before letting out a howl. And a moment later, another howl resonated back to her from incredibly far away.

Opal's ears twitched and she took off, howling some more.

"Opal?" Olwen called out, following after her, her bare feet on the soft grass. She didn't recall taking off her boots.

The wolf didn't seem to hear her, her speed picking up as she bound towards the source of the howling from further away.

"Opal!" Olwen had no choice but to begin to run, her wolf zipping through the grass ahead of her.

At the other side of the meadow, the responding howl became louder and louder, and soon Olwen spotted the sandy shape that was running up to meet Opal.

It was another wolf with sandy brown fur and yellow eyes; a complete polar opposite to Aaron's wolf Ares. The sandy wolf ran towards Opal, and the pair slowed and began to pad towards each other with apprehension on both sides, as if each was waiting and observing the other's action.

And then the scent hit Olwen - forest after rain.

Her eyes snapped open, and she was back beneath the shelter of a large rock near to the Moon River Pack. As Opal.

The she-wolf got up and sniffed the air.

That forest after rain scent was getting stronger again-and this time she knew it was something approaching. It had not rained the past few days.

Opal got up on her legs, standing guard.

And then he appeared, the exact same sand coloured wolf that Olwen had seen in her dream. His yellow eyes were focused on her intently as he came close. Though she wasn't in control of her form at the moment, Olwen could feel herself swallowing lightly. The wolf was a lot bigger than she'd anticipated as well, his form almost looming over Opal's the closer he got.

His forest and rain aroma engulfed Opal and Olwen's senses. It didn't have the same effect as Aaron's scent had on Olwen the day they'd discovered they were fated mates, no head spinning and no immediate urge to launch herself into the stranger and kiss them senseless, but it was pleasant, comforting and somewhat refreshing, even though she'd already smelled it a few weeks ago. Wait...did that mean that he'd seen her here?

The wolf tilted his head at Opal and lightly sniffed the air once, before drawing back. He then trotted calmly behind a large tree, and after the sound of bones cracking and shifting, stepped back out fully clothed and in human form.

In Olwen's mind, it didn't take very long to recognise him.

With Alpha Landon glancing at her expectantly before looking away to give her some space, Opal headed behind the rock, shifted back into Olwen, and got herself properly dressed before walking back out and bowing.

"Alpha Landon, I...wasn't expecting to see you."

She tried to dust herself off a little to look somewhat more presentable, feeling the Alpha's eyes on her. The simple t-shirt and jeans she'd changed into after leaving the Silver Arrow Pack were definitely showing their wear after constant use.

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