04. we're not having sex

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Real life!

Anastasia with the pretty brown curly hair, done nearly in low pigtails as she walked down the street, her pink dress was short, showing more thigh than she would like, but it was fine. She smiled as she walked to the club, showing her id and giving her name. The security guard nodded his head as he moved out of the way, letting her through.

Immediately, she was met with flashing lights and the sounds of Azealia Banks blasting through speakers as the bodies of drunk people bumped into her slightly. Anastasia's pink heels clicked against the floor as she made her way to the small girl that invited her. "Thanks for inviting me, babe!" She smiled as she gave the girl a hug, who cheered as soon as she saw the popstar.

"Tasia! Thanks for coming!" Her body never stopped moving, even within the hug. "There's drinks over there, don't worry about your age, I got you!" She winked before letting go to dance with a different person.

Anastasia laughed as she made her way to the bar, ordering a water and dancing in her seat. She heard someone sit next to her, but she didn't think anything of it.

"Hey princess," the boy smiled as he held her hand, "you missed me so much that you followed me?"

"You wish," she rolled her eyes, "I was invited."

"It's okay, I know you wanted to see me... c'mon, lets dance," Zach stood up and grabbed the singers hand, the lights flashed in her eyes as she felt his hands on her hips, swaying them ever so slightly. He was scared, she could tell.

Anastasia pulled his arms, bringing him closer. Her back rested against his front, his hips moving with hers. The feeling of his hands going up and down her body only brought her bliss — and along with that, his lips were now on her neck, nipping and sucking.

A moan escaped her as she continued to dance, only focusing on the poking she feels on her ass, this dancing is turning him on just as how him kissing her neck is turning her on. She quickly turned, stopping him before a smirk lays on her face, "we're not having sex, Zach." Her arms wrapped around his neck as she brought him close, kissing his cheek and pushing his back, "nice try, babe."

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