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Preaseaon testing has finally come around.

Today was the last day of preseason, Caleigh Sawyer, the woman who was practically my boss, hadn't wanted us to come in until the last day. I wasn't sure why the decision had been made that way, but I was thankful to be able to explore the country before having to go back to work. We'd be here for nearly two weeks after all seeing as the actual first race was next weekend here in Bahrain.

My hands were sweaty as I held my microphone. James, my assigned cameraman, stood close behind me, both of us ready for any driver to come through that had finished their morning session. I'd gotten here after the drivers were all already on the circuit racing. Part of the reason behind my arrival time being because I wasn't needed until after they were done, and the other part because I didn't want to take the chance of running into him before.

I've been pacing for nearly 10 minutes trying to mentally prepare myself for the interviews I was about to conduct. This was my job and I was great at it, but it was my first day back after the breakup. The same breakup that a majority of the grid had no clue about.

"Hey, Ads. How was break?" Caleigh called out to me as she walked into the small area where all the reporters were set up.

I let out a nervous laugh, "Shitty, to say the least. I have one request, though. Can you give all Lando interviews to someone else?" I'd let out the question like word vomit.

I hadn't been able to say his name since the week after the breakup. His name was too painful, like a knife to the heart. So, it felt strange coming out of my mouth today, foreign even.

Caleigh's eyes went wide and I wanted to take my words back right then. "Why no Lando?" She knew all about our relationship, even seeing me pining over the driver before we started dating. "Did something happen? Like, I'll respect your request and steer him away from you, but I kind of need to know before blindly passing him off to Lissie."

Lissie was the other f1 reporter here with us in Bahrain. She was like sunshine in human form.

"We broke up, right after New Year's. I'm honestly surprised the media hasn't caught on seeing as we haven't posted any new content of each other nor have we been seen together in almost two months."

I winced as Caleigh's face dropped at the news. "Oh, Ads." She pulled me into a hug, like one from a caring older sister. I had to fan my face to stop the tears from falling. My makeup was done and it would look rather unprofessional to be crying right now.

We separated about a minute later. "I had this whole conversation with Charles on the plane here about how I was at least going to try and put on a brave face for the interviews, show him I'm doing fine on my own now...  but I can't do it. Not today at least."

Caleigh held her hands up, "And that's fine! I have another reporter today, so it's not a big deal. We'll work on getting you confident enough to interview him again, but that doesn't have to be today."

And this is why I love Caleigh Sawyer with my entire being.

About 20 or so minutes later, the drivers all started filing in. I held my breath, but almost immediately let it go when I saw Charles sauntering up to me.

I fought the smile on my face. "Charles Leclerc, it's looking like, after testing today that you're sitting around." I averted my gaze from him, over to the screen that was set up for the reporters that showed all of the stats. "P4. How does that make you feel about the upcoming season?"

He smiled, I'm not sure why, but I liked the way it made his eyes crinkle. It was good to see him happy after the past couple of months. "I mean, I always wish I could be at a better rankin, but the season is looking promising to say the least."

I asked a few more questions and Charles answered them all enthusiastically before going off to the next reporter for another interview. I looked up to see who my next driver would be when the Mclaren boys waltzed in. My breath caught in my throat.

Before I could say or do anything, even make eye contact, I heard Caleigh speak up from her spot. "Lando, we're having you with Lissie today. Oscar, you're with Addie."

I winced at the sight of him pulling a face. Something like hurt or sadness. I shook it off when Oscar neared, his contagious smile pulling one to my face.

"Oscar Piastri!" My smile got wider at the sight of the Aussie in front of me, if that was possible. "Your first season with Mclaren and right now you're sitting at P17. How does that make you feel about the season?"

He chuckled, his accent shining through as he spoke. "Obviously, I would rather not be that low on the ranking at the moment, but I think this season will be better. I'm also young, still 20 years old, even if this season doesn't turn out the greatest, I feel like I've still got time to grow and improve."

"You're right about that, Oscar. I've seen your racing before, your skills look promising."

At one point during our interview, Oscar cracks a joke and neither of us can help but burst out laughing, we even grabbed each other's arm for stability. I swear I can see Lando look over to us in my peripheral vision, but I try to ignore it.

I have to ignore it, ignore him. Even when everything in me wants to run away and hide or run to him and tell him I was joking, tell him I want him back. I know that I can't. I've grown so much in the past two months, healed more than I thought I would. Sure, it's still hard to be near him, but I'm here and that's progress. Charles almost had to force me onto the plane, but I'm here and I came to work today.

But still, just even his proximity has my heart squeezing in pain. This season was going to be tough to say the least.

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