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My eyes fluttered open and a frown immediately came to my face.

It was from a mixture of things, of memories.

Matteo was really back in Monaco and he said he knew where I lived, my body shook even now at the thought. But, also, here I am back in Lando's apartment, in the bed we once shared. He sat beside me until I fell asleep last night, assuring me that he'd sleep on the couch so he'd be the first to know if someone broke in.

It's crazy to me, that after all we've been through, Lando still takes care of me. I wonder if it's because he never quite fell out of love? But I love what our friendship has become since we parted, things are better now. I could be around him and not feel like my world was ending. We were friends again, like we had been before we had gotten into our relationship.

"She's asleep, Mate. You can see her whenever she wakes up, she needs the rest. Addie was a total mess when we got here last night, bloody terrified." Lando's voice rang out through the apartment.

Who was he talking to?

There was a brief pause in conversation before the unidentified second person spoke up. "But she's okay?"

My heart jumped at the voice. It was Charles.

"She's fine. Told me she couldn't go home because you weren't there if she needed you."

I nearly threw the covers off of myself, crawling out of the bed. Another frown pulled on my face when I saw what I was wearing – a pair of boxers and one of Lando's shirts that I always used to steal. I remember him handing me them last night before I went to his shower, him knowing that I couldn't really sleep unless in comfy clothes.

My bare feet padded across the floor, the conversation in the living room ceasing when the door opened.

"Della." Charles looked relieved at the sight of me.

I started walking toward him again and he met me halfway.  "Il sait où j'habite, Charlie." (He knows where I live, Charlie.) I whimpered as I fell into his arms.

One of his hands held the back of my head while the other rubbed small circles on my back. "Je t'ai eu. Je suis là maintenant." (I've got you. I'm here now.)

He must've gotten on a plane ridiculously early this morning, flying back to Nice and then driving here to Monaco. I know for a fact he wasn't supposed to even get back until mid-afternoon today. From the looks of it, he hadn't slept, probably didn't after Lando informed him that Matteo was back and knew where I lived.

"I'm going to take her home, thanks for looking after her." Charles spoke toward Lando.

Lando nodded, sending a smile my way. "Anything for our Addie girl."

I knew he meant it. Lando Norris would go to the ends of the Earth if it meant keeping me safe.

I ventured back to Lando's room, gathering my belongings before joining the boys in the living room once more, walking straight into Lando's arms.

"Thank you," I mumbled into his neck as I hugged him tight.

He nodded, holding me close. "Keep the clothes, I know how much you loved that shirt." His voice was mumbled, only loud enough for me to hear.

I nodded before parting ways, my hand finding Charles' as he led me down to where his car was parked. The drive back to our building wasn't long, but I was on high alert, wondering if or when Matteo would make an appearance.

Once out of the car, Charles didn't release his hold on me until we were safely in the elevator. He pressed the number for his floor, not even considering taking me back to mine yet. I walked behind him as he led me down the hallway, neither of us talking again until we'd made it in his apartment.

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