the job

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Taehyung was in his room. He was waiting for an email back from a guy whom he met at his old job. He needed to get a job. His parents were getting annoyed with him living at their home. Especially since he's 25 and still lives with them. His phone buzzed. He checked the email. It was from Jungkook. He opened it and he was hired to be the nanny for Jungkook's children.

Taehyung: this will be interesting...

Being the nanny for a CEO. He hopes the god he'll be paid a shit ton. He gets ready. He does his hair and light makeup. He wanted to be business casual. A white button up blouse and black dress pants. He wore a black sweater and black flats. He grabbed his phone and his purse and he got into his car to drive to Jungkook's place. He pulled up to the gate and there was a guard standing there. He looked scary and intimidating. Taehyung rolled down his window.

Soobin: you are?

Taehyung: I'm the nanny Jungkook hired.

The guard talked into his two way radio. The man then opened the gate for Taehyung. Taehyung pulled inside of the place. A whole another two minute drive to the front. He sighed. He got out of the car and knocked on the door. A maid opened it.

Hyunni: you must be Taehyung. Sir is in his study. The children are in their playroom. I'll show you to Sir's study.

She let him in and closed the door. She guided him up the stairs. The stairs were elegant. His place was beautiful. It felt like a modern castle. It was a villa so it made sense as to why it was so beautiful and huge. Taehyung followed Hyunni down a hallways. Two big brown doors stood in front of him. He took a deep breath. Hyunni opened them. Taehyung stepped inside and the doors closed behind him.

Jungkook: take a seat.

Taehyung sat down in front of Jungkook's desk. He took another deep breath.

Jungkook: okay. So, do you have any experience with children?

Taehyung: well, I used to work at a daycare. When I was younger, I used to baby sit my younger cousins and nieces and nephews. I have siblings all older than me by a few years.

Jungkook: why don't you work at the daycare anymore?

Taehyung: well, I kinda got fired...

Jungkook: why?

Taehyung: it's kinda personal...

Jungkook: okay. I don't wanna pry.

Taehyung: it's okay. I'm great with children though.

Jungkook: good. My children are Sungmin and Seungmin. They're twins. Both five years old.

Taehyung: okay. I can do that.

Jungkook: they're down the hall.
Their room is the one with the pink and blue doors. The playroom is across from their bedroom. It's the big purple doors. They chose the colors. I wouldn't have allowed it if I could.

Taehyung: ooh.

Jungkook looked Taehyung up and down. He looked a this hands. No ring finger. That was a good sign. He smirked.

Jungkook: you single?

Taehyung: yes sir.

Jungkook: call me Jungkook baby boy.

Taehyung blushed. Jungkook pulled Taehyung close. He got up and backed Taehyung into a wall. Taehyung's face was flushed red. Jungkook smirked and started to get closer to him. He pinned his arms up with one hand.

Jungkook: you'll be a good boy for me?...

Taehyung nodded. He didn't know why, but he felt intimidated yet he also desired for Jungkook's touch. He wanted to submit to him.

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