the children

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Jungkook came back from work to see Taehyung crying on the couch. He went over to him.

Jungkook: Baby, what's wrong?

Taehyung: Your kids are awful... They broke the necklace my mother gave me... They kept kicking me and kept saying I'm not their mother and I never will be... They kept saying you're using me for my body... They kept calling me ugly... I feel so ashamed... I'm being tormented by two five-year-olds...

Jungkook was angry at his kids. They were always annoying and bossy with the past nannies but never this terrible. He wonders if it's because he actually took a liking to Taehyung and they're worried Jungkook is trying to replace their mother with Taehyung.

Jungkook: I'm so sorry baby... I'm gonna talk to them... You go to our room...

Tae: okay...

Jungkook: I'm gonna talk to them...

Taehyung went upstairs to their bedroom. He sat on the bed. He sighed. Jungkook went to the children's room. He opened the door.

Jungkook: what the hell is wrong with you both?!

Seungmin: what happened daddy?

Sungmin: what's wrong?

They used their puppy eyes to win him over but he's serious. He's serious about his feelings for Taehyung and he's serious about their behavior. He wants to actually marry Taehyung one day. He can't have his children hurting Taehyung mentally and physically. Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose and he let our an agitated sigh.

Jungkook: look, I get it. You want me to be with your mother. She's not a good person and she didn't treat me very well. She was also on some terrible drugs.

Seungmin: but she loved us! He will never love us like her!

Jungkook: he won't if you guys keep acting like assholes!

They both started to cry. He grounded them. He took all their technology away and toys. He's had it with them and their behavior towards Taehyung.

Jungkook: Jesus fucking Christ...

Taehyung: I'm sorry Jungkook...

Taehyung rubbed his arm. Jungkook buried his face into Taehyung's stomach. He placed kisses on it.

Jungkook: don't leave me please...

Tae: I won't become I love you.

Jungkook: I love you too my love...

Tae: don't worry about me. I'm fine.

Jungkook: but... My kids are hell spawns...

Taehyung: don't let them discourage you...

Jungkook: I should be saying that to you... They're terrible...

Taehyung: they are... I'm glad you took a stand for me.

Jungkook: of course angel...

Taehyung sighed. He laid down. Jungkook did as well.

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