Chapter 2 - Indentured Life

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Eve awoke in a dark room. It smelled musty in here, like grandma's old place. Before the dementia took over anyways. Shaking her head she tried to push herself up off the carpeted floor. A scream of pain was sent through her collarbone. Memories burst forth. What had happened with her and the master of the house: Julien.

Deciding to roll onto her back, Eve looked up at the ceiling. The darkness was overwhelming. The only source of light was a small streak from somewhere she couldn't quite tell. It lit up the ceiling. The wooden planks above were sign enough.

Resolving to stand through the pain, Eve forced herself to stand. She was breathing hard by the time she got up to her knees. She froze when she saw the light outside. It was a window. A small one, a basement window from the looks of it. She rushed over to it. Wooden planks covered up the exit, only enough space for a small sliver of moonlight to burst in, reflecting off broken glass. Another slave's likely escape plan.

Suddenly, the door burst open. In strolled two guards in heavy armor. Behind them was the master of the house. Julien froze when he saw her. "Ah...they dressed you just how I requested."

Eve looked down, the dim light from the hallway showing she was in a what she had to imagine was the medieval equivalent of a bra and panties. They looked more like potato sacks than actual clothes.

"You may speak indentured."

Eve balled her fist up. "What-what do you want with me?" She kept her eyes down, still unsure of the etiquette of her situation.

"You're an indentured. You're to serve me until I get bored of you."


"Whatever I ask." Julien grinned; his teeth flashed in the night.

There was a long silence between them before Eve spoke. "And...if I don't?"

"Everyone has their breaking limit."

Eve knew what that had to mean: torture. "'d rather me be your indentured than dead." In a way, that relieved Eve. All she had to do was not fuck up.

"Correct!" Julien laughed. "Now that you're awake, how about we get you out of the dingy dungeon."

"This..." She looked around. "This isn't my room."

"Of course not!" Julien seemed almost offended. "You think the Lord Principle would give his indentured rooms of such ilk?"

Eve smiled back at him. A half-hearted attempt at connection. "Can...can I go bathroom?"

The growing knot in her stomach, a full bladder, was getting worse by the moment. Especially now that she was standing.

"Let's go!" Julien happily trotted out.

Eve took a few slow steps out of the room. The guards then followed her closely as she entered the hall. It was dark, lit by torch. The ground wasn't carpeted. It almost felt wet down here. Her bare feet screaming at her to get the cold, wetness away from her. The went down a few halls, it was a labyrinth down here. Her feet were on fire by the time the went up a spiral staircase. The kind she always imagined castles to have. The tight spiral and narrow walls made her feel claustrophobic.

Julien bounded up the stairs with ease but Eve was not having a great time of it. It felt like ages before they finally got to their location. Here, they were a lavish hall of golds and reds. A mansion's hallway. They passed by various rooms, all empty. Rooms that Eve surmised might never have even gotten used. Various dressers of immense design lined the walls. Even the legs looked meticulously crafted. There were fresh flowers lining several tables. Suits of well polished armor and painting from families long gone lined the wall.

It was all a pre-show to where Julien led her. Julien led them to the end of the large hall. Here, two large wooden doors. They were painted a dark maroon. It almost looked like blood. He turned to her and grinned. "This is where you'll be sleeping."

"Sire. I urge you to change your mind." One of the guards finally spoke. Their monotonous voice almost soothing. "She's an indentured."

"And? I am the master of this house. You'd be well to remember that Daniel."

The guard named Daniel bowed. Julien then turned his attention back to Evel. "Indentured. This will be your home."

He pushed the large doors open. They swung open with ease. Inside was a room clad in purples, whites and gold. The bed looked to be an equivalent to a California King, it had those strange see through curtains lining it. They were all open for the time being. The walls were filled with painting of naked women. Of varying ages. Some looked older than granny and other's looked as young as her. Eve swallowed.

There was a desk, small tables and various scrolls hapazardly surrounding the working area. It was tucked into the corner. In the opposite corner was a menagerie of plants. A sort of mini greenhouse. The other corners had armor in it. The one closest to the bed looked more practical than the decorative set on the opposite end of the room. There were medium sized balconies leading out to the left and right. The glass doors were closed tight. She couldn't be close to escape with those. She was heading up the stairs for a long while.

"Hmm...something's missing." Julien then snapped. "Ah. Where is the cage?"

"Cage?" Eve whispered to herself.

Soon, servants, dressed in much more modest white and black clothing brought in a large cage. It was set down between the opulent armor and the desk. A view straight to the outside. "This is where you'll be sleeping." Perhaps seeing the panic in her eyes, he looked in the cage. "Oh. The padding isn't in here." He snapped again. The same servants, Eve now equating their dress to maids, both male and female were in maid skirts and shirts, black leggings and thick black, leather shoes.

Eve grimaced but then, realizing where she was. Tried to force a grin. "Thank you...master?"

She asked more than said. Julien grinned ear to ear. "Good. Good. Yes, I am the master of this house. You are to address me as master or sire at all times. Understand?"

"Yes, master." Eve nodded.

"Good!" He clapped his hands together.

The servants once again appeared and laid down a large towel on the bed. Eve's heart leapt out of her chest as he waved his guards away. They nodded and ushered the servants out of the room as well. "You were found, mostly naked, outside Farmer Gavin's home. He's a good land owner. Sold him some of the more...lame," He was now looking at Eve, truly eyeing her, "indentured. You know how your type are. Most are...ugly. Some even stink to high heaven." Julien chuckled to himself.

Eve's eyes darted between the bed and Julien. "Master...I..."

Julien put a gentle finger against her lips. She fell silent. "You see the difference between me and Farmer Gavin?"

Eve shook her head no.

"I...provide for my indentured. And in turn...they provide for me."

Eve's first thought screamed against her head. Please, God, no.

"Birth rates are low here. The Ventril Empire is going through a curse it appears. At least...amongst the royalty. Truly pure bloodlines, like myself. The women are suffering. There is no one to pass the bloodline to. At least...keeping it pure as we would like."

"But...the indentured."

"Not just other plane walkers like yourself." Eve turned her head. Did he understand she was from a different world. Did that mean there was a way back? "No one else was affected. Except the rich...powerful. We are victims in all this you see."

"If it's a curse...why not seek out the source?" Eve offered, trying to entertain any other idea besides the one screaming at her. When she looked at Julien, he was glaring. In a quick motion, he backhanded her to the ground. Tears shot from her eyes and she pushed back crying. "Master...I'm..."

"You were warned..." He glared. "Time for your punishment."

a forbidden love story: book 2 - INDENTUREDWhere stories live. Discover now