Chapter 37

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Samui: Don't talk about Lord Raikage like that!

Y/n: I'll talk about anyone I want to. I'm currently right now the strongest Kage right now so I would watch how you are talking to me

Samui is sweating as she sees the presence of Y/n and Kurama behind him roaring at her. Shizune and Jiraiya sigh

Jiraiya & Shizune: He's back...

Y/n senses something as he puts his hand up and makes a shadow clone

Y/n: You stay here, I sense something is going to happen.

The clone of Y/n nods as Y/n starts to walk off

Samui: What is the matter...

Y/n: If your subordinates dare lay a hand on my brother and friend I will kill you myself.

Y/n body flickers away as Samui looks at Jiraiya and Shizune. Jiraiya is just looking at Samui's massive.....personality as they remind him a lot like Tsunade's

Samui: Is he always like this?

Shizune: Well he has just come back from a coma and the Village is in disarray

Jiraiya: I wouldn't blame him for acting like this at all...I would have done so myself if I was in his situation

Y/n makes it towards where he sensed some danger as he sees two people he has never seen before. One of them was pointing a sword at Sakura, Naruto and Sai

Karui: You can tell us all about this Sasuke fellow!

Karui goes in for a strike on them and just before Sakura, Naruto and Sai react Y/n blitzes in and blocks the attack with heavy force

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Karui goes in for a strike on them and just before Sakura, Naruto and Sai react Y/n blitzes in and blocks the attack with heavy force

Karui: What the...?

Omoi gets his sword out but Y/n is able to block it with his foot

Omoi: Impossible! How is someone able to do this

Karui comes out of Y/n's grip as they both jump back and charge towards Y/n both of them trying to jump him but he is able to see it all and weaves them

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Karui comes out of Y/n's grip as they both jump back and charge towards Y/n both of them trying to jump him but he is able to see it all and weaves them

Omoi: He reminds me a bit like Killer Bee-sama...

Y/n does a spin and kicks both of them causing them to fall onto the fall. Leaves swarm around Y/n like a tornado

Naruto: It can't be....

Sakura: No way....

Omoi and Karui get up slowly

Karui: Hey! Who the hell are you!?

Y/n: My name is Y/n Uzumaki. The Sixth Hokage.

Naruto and Sakura are shocked


Y/n turns around and smiles at Naruto and Sakura

Y/n: Indeed, I am the stand in for Granny

Sakura: And you have also come out of your coma

Y/n nods as he puts his arm around both Sakura and Naruto

Y/n: I am proud of the both of you!

Y/n looks at Sai

Y/n: I hope you are not mad at me for killing Danzo?

Sai looks at Y/n

Sai: Not at all....i start to understand more about Danzo-sama and how much of a bad person he was

Y/n smiles before putting his sword away and walks toward Omoi and Karui

Y/n: What do you guys want.

Omoi: We overheard them talking about Sasuke, and we would like to know what they were talking about

Sakura: What we said had nothing to do with you guys!

Karui: Well it does because-

Y/n: Killer Bee got taken by Sasuke....right.

Naruto and Sakura were in shock as Karui and Omoi look at Y/!

Karui: How do you know that...?

Y/n: Your silly master told us that.

Omoi: Lord Raikage told us to come here to tell you guys about Sasuke being part of the Akatsuki!

Naruto, Sakura and Y/n were shocked

Karui: And it seems that you didn't accept the permission to get rid of the Uchiha

Y/n: Why would allow my own comrade to be taken down by the likes of you

Omoi: He is a rouge ninja-

Y/n: Whether he is or not, he is member of the leaf village. And I stand by that.

Karui: We want to get our revenge!!

Naruto looks at Omoi and Karui

Naruto: Is your master a jinchiriki?

Omoi: What!! How did you know that?

Y/n points at Naruto and at himself

Y/n: We are jinchiriki ourselves. The Akatsuki are after Jinchiriki, they came after me and both Naruto respectively

Naruto: That makes us involved. Your master may not be dead

Omoi and Karui look at Naruto and Y/n

Omoi: Are you sure!? Are you really sure!

Y/n smiles

Y/n: You have to try and look for him quickly before he dies..

Y/n walks closer to Omoi and Karui

Y/n: Now get out of here before I take you both out.

Y/n opens his eye and reveals the rinnegan to the shock of Karui and Omoi

Y/n: No one here is going to sell out a friend no matter how much you try and beat us down.

Y/n sees Samui appear as she walks towards Y/n

Y/n: I think your time here is done.

Samui: It appears so.

Omoi: Captain Samui! We have found out that Master may be alive! We need to find the Akatsuki hideout

Y/n: You guys are not strong enough to take down a Akatsuki

Karui: But what about you? I heard you got beat by Pain of Akatsuki

Sakura clenches her fist but Y/n sticks his hand out

Y/n: I've got this.

Y/n looks at Karui

Y/n: You seem weak so probably done know how strong they are. I heard that Kakazu and Hidan took down your precious Yugito.

Omoi, Karui and Samui look at Y/n with eyes sharpened

Y/n: Guess who took them down.

Y/n points at himself.

Y/n: No one in your village is stronger than me. So I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself and leave.

Samui starts to walk away as Karui and Omoi walk away also leaving Sakura, Naruto, Y/n and Sai standing there.

Thanks for reading!

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