Chapter 38

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Y/n was sitting down in a chair with the Hokage hat on as Kakashi, Yamato, Naruto, Sai and Sakura were all standing there

Y/n: So what are we going to do about the five Kage summit?

Kakashi: It is where all the Kage are going to be...

Y/n: I would like to have a word to word with the Raikage about his idea on Sasuke being a rogue ninja

Yamato: It is understandable since Sasuke did invade the hidden cloud village in order to try and take the eight tails..

Sakura: But I just don't understand why Sasuke would do such a thing.

Naruto stays quiet and then speaks

Naruto: I met the fourth Hokage

Y/n was shocked as well as everyone else there

Y/n: You met Dad?

Yamato: How is that possible? Isn't the fourth supposed to dead!

Kakashi: The mystery of some jutsu...the rinnegan, the reaper death seal for example

Y/n: And what did Dad tell you?

Naruto: He told me about the man with the mask and how he was there on the deal of the nine tails attack

Kakashi: The one with the sharingan

Y/n: You guys have met the one with the mask? I've only heard of him and done a bit of research

Sakura: He has some sort of weird jutsu that is a bit similar to Kakashi's senseis

Sai: It could be of the same varient...

Kakashi looks at Naruto

Kakashi: What did the fourth Hokage tell you? Fathers do tend to tell their sons all sorts of things

Naruto smiles as he looks at them

Naruto: He told me that he believed in me!

Y/n smiles seeing Naruto so happy as he stands up and tips his Hokage down to his eyes

Y/n: I'm going to go on a walk.

Kakashi: Okay, just make sure to come back early Y/n....or should I say Hokage..

Y/n laughs as everyone else laughs also. Kakashi sees the young Y/n and the Y/n that he sees now as he smiles

Kakashi: You have come a long way...

Y/n walks out of the tent as he starts to walk around the village or what's left of it

Villager 1: Oh look! It's Y/n! Hokage-sama!

Y/n turns and sees the villagers waving at him as he smiles and waves at them

Y/n: Nice to see you guys! Try and to keep up the good work

The villagers laugh and smile and continue to work while Y/n makes his way to the training ground

Y/n: You remember this place huh Kurama?

Kurama: Where we first trained..

Y/n goes into his own mindscape as he stands at the cage

Y/n: You have my friend for a long time...probably my best friend

Kurama smiles

Kurama: Thank you Y/n! That makes me proud

Y/n walks towards the seal as he starts to use the rinnegan abilities to fly towards it

Y/n: It's only right that we both become one

Y/n was about to release the seal but gets tackled by Minato

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