How do students communicate with each other?

619 57 44

When I woke up, my phone rang immediately. I hadn't set the alarm, so I looked a little surprised. Come to think of it, only the school should have my phone number, so I had to answer the call.

Seven days...

A girl spoke up as soon as I put the phone to my ear. After that, the call was dropped, and I didn't even have time to ask who it was. At first I thought to call this number back, but for some reason it did not appear in the call list, as if no one had called me. Is it possible that this is a bug in the system? I do not know, I have never had such a phone in my personal free use before, so I guess I just don't understand a lot yet.

In any case, I washed, changed my clothes, and stayed hungry, since I didn't buy anything to eat yesterday, but I will correct this miscalculation today. There are cafeterias provided in schools, so I plan to visit this place on my lunch break.

Soon I also received a message from the school indicating my classroom and my place in it. Well, we'll have to look for this place, so it's better to get out a little earlier than it should be. I'm sure many people think the same way, so I'm unlikely to get lost. And if I get lost, I'll probably be able to ask someone for directions.

So on the way to school, I observed a good flow of students, although I thought there would be more of them. Anyway, I have time to think on the way to school. For some reason, yesterday the school administration appointed me the Master of the faction that I have to found myself. This is unexpected, especially considering my interview and the results of the entrance exam.

If I had looked at myself from the outside, being in the place of the school, I definitely would not have thought to give myself the opportunity to lead people. I haven't had this experience before. Or at least normal people wouldn't call it leadership. Rather, it can be said that I was guided like a puppet.

And also. The maximum number of people in the faction is only 10 people, but this is two and a half times more than I originally expected. Accordingly, the school is not worried at all about leaving any factions without Followers. That is, now I can definitely stay single if no one joins me this week. Damn, and where do you even look for those who are easy to get in touch with? At the same time, I need someone who will speak for me, because I am not so well socialized.

Ideally, it's better to find someone like me, but I haven't met such people here yet... but maybe I can look for the girl who returned the piece of text to me earlier. She didn't strike me as talkative, which would be even more ideal for me than if my Follower talked extremely much.

And so soon I got to school and started looking for the right place. It turned out to be a classroom with the designation 1-D. There are already a lot of students here, but not all the places are occupied. At least I see a few girls who have gathered in one group and are discussing something. Have they joined the same faction so quickly? Or is it something like the girl groups that are rumored here and there?

My place is at the very end of the classroom by the window. Well, at least from here it will be convenient to monitor the environment and not stand out too much.

There's some guy sitting in front of me, uninterested in nothing, who almost falls asleep in exactly the same place. Apparently, he didn't sleep much at night or he just has a strong craving for sleep. I don't seem to have much chance of striking up a conversation with him. And there is a girl on my right who looks at everyone around quite thoroughly. Apparently, I have a better chance with her. Although, of course, it doesn't look like she's looking for friends.

– What are you staring at?

– It's nothing.

She noticed that I was looking at her, so I had to look away. I must say that she has quite beautiful long black hair and scarlet eyes. However, she also terrifies me at the same time as beauty for some reason.

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