So friends stick together?

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Now we have Sakagami-sensei. I can tell that his behavior is more like a normal teacher that I've heard about before. Chabashira-sensei has too strong a character in my opinion, and Hoshinomiya-sensei... Well, I would hardly call her a teacher at all.

In any case, something has changed now. Since Watanabe is now a member of my faction, our classes have become common, although the seating in the classroom is still not structured and is chosen by the school. I don't know why, but I still don't have the right to choose in this situation.

Moreover, I still don't know much here. This school is trying to seem normal, but I see that it is not so at all. Although, of course, I've never been to a normal school. I think it's better to ask the Senpai about what's going on soon. I wonder if I can go to the second and third floors of the building, right?

– Hi, do you have a minute or few?

– Mm? Well, yes?

– Then won't you join me?

– Okay?

I was distracted for a second when some pretty girl came up to me. She has a slightly stern look or even, rather, a cool one. But I have to say, her dark purple eyes are damn charming. Are the eyes really the window of the soul? I could believe it, because eyes are inherently works of art.

Watanabe, on the other hand, didn't notice that I was gone at all. He's more busy talking to the girls in the classroom. Is this the life of attractive guys?

Anyway, they seem to have decided that I'm a Follower, don't they? After all, today there were still no demonstrations in the middle of the class or just a show of hands. Our sensei wasn't interested in that kind of thing today, and that's a good thing. The other students also didn't seem to have a strong desire to know who was who, which was also a good thing.

On the other hand, it will be difficult for me to attract attention to myself as a Master. But there's something more important right now. I don't want to upset this beautiful girl, but I'm a Master. Although she might know about it, so she wants to talk to me alone. But to be honest, I don't remember seeing her before.

– Excuse me, but where are we going?

– To the roof.

Is it still possible to get up? Or is it only possible to go to the roof without stepping on the floors of sophomores and third-year students?

– Why??

– Just come on, I won't do anything to you, don't panic.

Did she notice my slight agitation? Impossible, who is this girl? No, I'm not panicking, I'm just a little worried about who's going to ask me to join their faction. Will it be some popular guy like that dude Hirata Yosuke, if I'm not mistaken? Or is it some girl who is looking for a boy who is not the cutest to compensate for the beauty in her group?

– Listen, can I get your name?

– Mm... Kamuro. You can call me that.

– I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

– Okay.

And after that it became a little awkward. This girl may be beautiful, but she doesn't even turn around in my direction. All I can see is her back, covered with long purple hair. She walks confidently and doesn't stop for a second, so I have to follow her.

Speaking of which, shouldn't the entrance to the roof be closed? I read not so long ago that Japan has a fairly high suicide rate among schoolchildren. Because of this, the government recommends closing the exits to the roof of educational institutions so that it is impossible to jump off from there. Otherwise, they can install a fence around the perimeter of the roof, but this one will take more money than if you just close access to the roof.

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