Chapter 41 : The Empire's crisis (Soviet-Parpaldian War 7)

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Central Calendar Day 25 Month 2 1640 (2025)
Holy Mirishial Empire, port town Cartalpas, a certain bar

The drunks were once again chatting, as usual

Patrons 1: Hey, hey, did you hear?! Parpaldia, in the Third Civilization, their main navy got wrecked by the Soviet Union!!!

A drunk yelled loudly with astonishment

Patrons 10: Ahh, I did. Man, I couldn't believe it when I first heard. A country outside the civilized areas has never beaten a superpower before, let alone completely crushing one of their strongest forces. And talking about the empire's navy, they were the most powerful fleet in the Third Civilization

Patrons 5: But hey, I hear the Soviet Union was making aircraft too. You think Mu is pulling their strings or something?

Patrons 10: Nah, I think the aircraft the Soviet Union had were way more effective than Mu's. Parpaldia was also investing in some method to improve their wyvern lords, but even they couldn't scratch these flying machines, I hear

The bar began to get noisy

Patrons 3: So what the hell is with this Soviet Union country anyway? They keep doing all these impossible things one after another...... For that matter, I wonder what's gonna happen to the empire

Patrons 6: The empire's the one who called for genocide, but now they're the ones who are gonna be wiped out. I bet most of their people are gonna get enslaved... something like that

Patrons 1: But now, Soviet Union definitely going to become one of the five big superpowers, and whatever they do is gonna change the world. I gotta figure out how to cash in on that

The drunks kept on chatting

Holy Mirishial Empire, imperial capital Runepolis

Information Director Arneus fell deep into thought after receiving a report from one of his subordinates. Even though the star of the Third Civilization, the Parpaldia Empire, sent out the entirety of its main navy, a small piece of Soviet naval power completely crushed them and didn't even get a bloody nose. It was undeniable that the Soviet Union had at least enough national power to be counted as a superpower. The fact that superpower countries suddenly came out of nowhere, not only from the west but also from the east, made his head throb in pain

Arneus: Rydorka, what is your assessment about the Soviet Union?

Arneus asked the information officer who had observed the battle in the Topa Socialist Republic between the remnants of the Ancient Sorcerous Empire and the Soviet Union

Rydorka: The one thing I can say for sure is that their military technology is unparalleled. As the report released the other day said, their firepower isn't obscenely high, but they have practical man-portable and vehicle-portable light magic homing missiles. In addition, their magic tanks, the weapon they used to defeat the demon lord, are a worrisome threat

Rydorka: when the Parpaldian ground army fought with the Soviet Union in the Kingdom of Fenn, now called Democratic Republic of Fenn, the empire's magic cannons scored many direct hits on these tanks, but destroyed none. On the other hand, the tanks had extremely powerful and accurate magic cannons of their own; they easily eliminated all of the empire's land dragons, and they have an ungodly reloading speed

Rydorka: There are still far too many unknowns concerning that country; in order to avoid being caught unawares like in the two losses the Parpaldia Empire took, I believe we must be careful and meticulous in our foreign relations

Arneus: ......You're right, of course. The scale of the country of Soviet Union is still unknown, but, if we only consider their extreme level of technology, then, even more than the Gra Valkas Empire, we do not want to antagonize them. With regards to the Third Civilization, in all likelihood, the Parpaldia Empire will fall from being a superpower, and the Soviet Union will become the new stewards of the Third Civilization

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