Chapter 60 : Side Story - Forgotten World (2)

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Central Calendar Day 25 Month 2 Year 1640, Gilbernik Residence, Novalvo district, Esperanto

Two days after the audience with the king, it was now time for the contest

Having completed his light jogging and stretching session early in the morning, Pavel Gromov was back in the Gilbernik residence to savor his breakfast. It was difficult for him not being able to drink tea, coffee, milk or even his beloved Vodka ever since he came to Esperanto, but fortunately for him, they do have something that resembles at least tea. He was also able to be satisfied with toasting hard rye bread and putting cheese and ham on it. If anything, it was very much comparable to their counterparts back on Earth

Drinking his after meal tea, he looked outside. The weather today seemed to be fine as well. While his mind drifted off, thankful for yesterday not having any magical beast attacks, his gaze veered off to a section of the wall, which was decorated with many paintings

Gromov: Huh... You guys sure have a lot of paintings

Hearing this, Saffine, who was also drinking tea, coughed it out

Valsas: Heh. These paintings here? They're Saffine's hobby. Looking real nice, right?

Merrily replied Valsas

Saffine: Dad!

Gromov: Yeah, I think they're skillfully done. The vibrant reds of this flower here are really pretty

Subject to straightforward compliments, Saffine's face was flushed with red from embarrassment. Gromov found her expression lovely while thinking that she looked nothing like Valsas, who then continued to speak

Valsas: She got her love for painting from her grandmother. We've also got more of her paintings in the shed, along with those from her grandmother

Gromov: Wow... It'd be nice to see them. Where's her grandmother?

Valsas: She passed away a while back. She was magically gifted, but not in the lifespan department

Gromov: Ahh... I'm sorry for your loss

Valsas: It's all good. Oh right. It rained quite a lot the other day so I'm gonna hang those paintings out to get them free of critters. You still have some time before the contest, right?

Taking a look at his wristwatch, Gromov then nodded in reply.

Gromov: I hope to get there at 10, so I still have around 2 hours. But is it really okay for you not to go back to the hospital today?

Valsas: There will be a lot of people going to the festival today, so there probably won't be any new patients. Since I'll put the paintings away, it'd be fine if you could just help in taking them out

Gromov: Sure

Saffine: Ah, I'll help out too

Standing up from their seats, they then went to the shed to put the paintings out to dry

The Esperanto Kingdom has an environment just like that of Scandinavia, Northern Europe or ancient Russia back on Earth. However, there were much more water sources for the area encompassing the territory and as such the humidity was high. This is why it is commonplace for people to leave their writings and clothes out to guard against insects

The Gilbernik household was located near the embankment of a river flowing just a bit east of the center of the Novalvo district. Behind it spanned a dried up riverbed where lush green grass grew, and so it was not much of a hassle to directly carry stuff from the shed that was there

Gromov's minds: Damn, It really is another world...

Beyond the dry riverbed, Gromov could see the massive walls that boast heights of up to 30m that span towards the east, west, and south, completely encapsulating them. Since the walls join each other through the terrain, one could get the illusion that they span the earth eternally. For Gromov, this was the first time he had seen such a sight

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