chapter five

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Tapping my fingers on the arm of the couch, I occupied my time recalling the dance movements that led to my injury. It wasn't healthy but I had this idea that if I focused on the memory often enough, I could pin prick exactly where I went wrong. If I knew where I went wrong, I would be able to fix the mistake in the future.

The problem was, I couldn't figure out where I went wrong. My movements had been flawless that day. I couldn't seem to accept the fact that one second I had been dancing and the next I was falling.

I was brought back to the present when Elena tapped my shoulder. I turned to find a small smile on her face as she subtly handed me a piece of paper. I frowned as I looked at it but smiled as I read the words.

Stefan and Damon are coming for you. -B

"It was a good idea to seduce the Salvatore's," I gave my sister a rare compliment, "You'll have a pair of guard dogs for life."

Colour flooded her cheeks, "I didn't seduce both of them."

"Elena, you totally did and you know it," I grinned at her, "Just own it! There are worse places to be than between two men."

Before Elena could respond, Trevor entered the room and I straightened in my seat.

"He's here!" He shouted to his vampire companion, "This was a mistake."

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me." She urged him.

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!" He panicked.

"He wants them more."

"I can't do this. You give her to him, he'll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here."

"Hey! What are we?" Rose prompted.

"We're family, forever."

A loud knock on the front door sounded and everyone froze.

"You're scared." My sister observed and a perverse smile crept onto my face.

"I'd be scared too if I pissed off the immortal family famous for holding grudges." I whispered to my captors.

"Stay here with them and don't make a sound." Rose said to Trevor before leaving the room.

Standing up, I walked over to the other side of the room where I would be able to hear their conversation better. Although I knew quite a bit about him, I had never actually met him, so I wanted to gauge what he was like to prepare myself.

I heard the click of the front door opening and I made sure I was out of view. I looked over my shoulder to see Trevor give me a disapproving look. I gave him a "what are you gonna do about it" shrug before I turned my attention to Rose and Elijah's conversation.

"Rose-Marie. Is there somewhere we can talk?" A male, presumably Elijah, spoke.

"Yes, in here. You have to forgive the house."

"Oh, no, what's a little dirt? I completely understand. So tell me, what is it that gives you the courage to call me?" Elijah asked.

"I wanted my freedom. I'm tired of running. You in a position to grant me that?" Rose asked hopefully.

"I have complete authority to grant pardon to you and your little pet. What is his name these days? Trevor. If I so see fit." The original confirmed.

"Katerina Petrova?" Rose prompted.

"I'm listening."

"She didn't burn in the church in 1864." Rose explained.

"Continue." Elijah ordered without a hint of surprise.

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