chapter six

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My foot was in absolutely agony. Closing my eyes, I tilted my head up and let the shower wash away my tears. When I tripped on my dress earlier on today, I must have damaged it somehow. It was now late evening and my poor foot had swelled up and was painful to put pressure on.

Due to the pesky little fact of being kidnapped last night, I'd been wearing Jenna's beautiful dress for nearly 24 hours. I felt sweaty, uncomfortable and absolutely exhausted, which led me to where I was now; sitting down in the shower. I didn't know how long I'd been sitting there but if the amount of steam was any indicator, it had been a while.

Regrettably, I turned the shower off, knowing that the water bill this month would likely be expensive. Without putting pressure on my foot, I managed to hobble out of the shower stall. I let out a groan when I realised that I'd left my towel hanging on the chair in my room.

If there was one good outcome of me being forced to sleep in my parents room, it was the ensuite bathroom, which meant I didn't have to leave the room and potentially bump into relatives on the way to and from the shower. With that in mind, I left the bathroom fully nude with water dripping off of me.

Unfortunately for my foot, the towel was located on the other side of the room. I sighed as I slowly limped towards it, however, the sound of a throat clearing stopped me in my tracks. Eyes widening, I spun around to find Elijah Mikaelson standing by my open window.

My eyes widened in shock as we gaped at each other for a moment before I broke the silence.

"You have absolutely terrible timing." I exclaimed, making no move to cover myself. He had already seen practically everything I had to offer so there was no point risking my foot even more by hurrying to my towel.

Elijah cleared his throat, keeping his eyes firmly on my face as he replied, "My apologies, had I know you were not decent I would have-"

"Knocked?" I suggested, cutting him off, "I believe knocking is considered polite regardless of whether or not the person is clothed."

"Yes, well you have my sincerest apologies," He reiterated before walking over to my chair and removing the towel that I'd hung on it. He handed it to me without looking and I felt oddly offended as I wrapped it around my body.

"Thank you." I reluctantly murmured, not feeling the least bit thankful.

"What happened to your foot?" Elijah asked, frowning down at it.

"Ballet accident." I answered dismissively, not wanting to discuss the particulars of my injury with a stranger.

"Have you tried vampire blood?" He asked and I nodded.

"My ex was there when it happened and he fed me his blood instantly. It fixed the break in the bone but apparently there is only so much that vampire blood can do." I replied flippantly, desperately wanting to change the subject and learn why he was here.

Elijah frowned, "Vampire blood should have healed it completely."

"Yeah, well it didn't." I spat, starting to get pissed off with his line of questioning, "Now are you going to explain why you're here in my dead parents room?"

"Yes, I wish to have a conversation with you around your sister." He explained, "I was hoping that you could arrange that?"

"Why not appear in her room? Why mine?" I asked with a frown.

"Out of the two of you, you seemed a lot less..."


"I was going to say fearful." Elijah clarified with a hint of a smile.

"I see," I nodded, "Well, if it is the sacrifice you wish to discuss then there is no point in talking to me. You should just talk to my sister."

"Why..." Elijah began but trailed off when his eyes landed on my bed, "Is that my phone?"

"Yep." I said with a grin.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "I thought I had lost it."

"Nope, I took it."

He watched me for a moment with a look I couldn't quite decipher before exclaiming, "I can't believe you stole my phone."

"I can't believe that you're like a thousand years old and haven't learnt how to knock." I quipped.

"Can I have it back?" Elijah asked, looking positively flummoxed and my grin widened as I reached down to pick it up.

"It's mine now," I told him, waving the device in his face before throwing it back on the bed, "I lost mine when I was kidnapped and your family is rich as sin so I'm sure you can afford a new one."

"What do you know of my family?" Elijah asked sternly as he took a step towards me. In just seconds, the mood had shifted from oddly playful to suspicious and threatening.

"More than you'd think." I said, meeting his gaze, refusing to cower at his attempt to intimidate me, "Tell me, do all of you Mikaelsons enjoy fucking doppelgangers or is that just your estranged brother's hobby?"

Not rising to my bait, he asked, "You know Klaus?"

"Unfortunately I do," I replied with a shrug, "Which is why you need to have a conversation with Elena about the sacrifice, not me. When Klaus arrives, she's the one he'll drain dry, not me."

"Yes, I shall definitely have that conversation with your sister." Elijah nodded, "But it has become clear that you and I now need to have an entirely different conversation."

"Indeed we do," I said with a sigh, "But can it wait till tomorrow? I can barely keep my eyes open."

"Of course, shall I meet you after school?"

"You can meet me whenever, I don't go to school." I said with a shrug and the vampire nodded, moving towards my window to leave.

"Before I leave, answer me this: why won't Klaus sacrifice you?" He asked, looking me up and down with a thoughtful expression.

"Because he claims to be in love with me."

A/N: Elijah and Emilia are definitely giving reluctant friends with benefits vibes. Thoughts?

Originally published: April 29th 2024

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