Chapter 1. The Case.

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Eight bones were found broken, including fractures to the skull, ribs, and limbs, indicating severe physical aggression. Evidence of a concussion was apparent that  suggested blunt force trauma to the head. The victim's body showed signs of being brutally beaten, with sharp objects and bruising covering various regions. Upon further investigation—the victim was not only beaten to death but also subjected to being burned alive, leaving charred remnants as evidence in his car.

I read the description of Sarah's report over and over. Trying to find something, any clue. Gabriel ferara. An industrialist found brutally murdered in his own car.

The reason is a mystery to the department just like the other murders of businessmen and industrialists. Hence, my team being assigned on this case.

"Do you think it's a rival company?"

Martin questions me. ''No, if it were a rival company they'd try to portray it as a natural death. They wouldn't want any attention towards them. And even if it were a rival company, how will you explain the last 6 murders in the past 2 months? "

"It couldn't be a psychopath on his usual spree either as the killing methods and patterns were different each time." Sarah tells me.

"I agree, this seems much more than that, Also all of them belonged to the same social network." I inform her.
The same social network being a group of old fat men with too many fetishes and pending court cases. Gabriel himself was charged with 28 tax evasion cases, 4 sexual assault cases, illegal gambling, etc.

"James I need you to go undercover keep an eye on people of The Nexus club. It was the last place where Gabriel was present and the last 6 victims were a part of this club. Coincidental isn't it?" Nothing in my profession is a coincidence. It's just a matter of time before we find the culprit. One loophole is all it takes.

"Ms. Amara Sinclair?" Someone calls out.

"Come in." A man in his early 40's sits down on the chair. "Officer Arthur." He introduces himself. "I hope you got all the documents and thank you for coming at such a short notice." I nod my head at him in courtesy. "Victor called me and said it was an emergency case?"

"Yes, six high profile murders in two months, nonetheless to say the media is going crazy." He informs me. "You have no leads then?" I ask astonishingly.

"Exactly! It's insane. Everytime we've found the body hours later after the murder." Everyone goes silent in the room.

"Well, me and my team will be leading this case from now onwards, This is my team, Sarah- a forensics pathologist,
Martin- a hacker and digital analyst,
James- our undercover agent, Edward- as you can see the guy is huge he takes up interrogating and is very efficient at it." Arthur looks pale but nods anyways.

"The special task force would require assistance from the department soon, will keep you updated. You're dismissed for now." He leaves the room and I discuss the details of the evidence with my team.

It is no surprise that we arrive to no conclusion. It's a lost cause. We need more information. And that would be arranged by James.


Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed the first chapter don't forget to vote!

And do tell me what do y'all think about my characters I'd love to know.

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