Chapter 4. Bugs!

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"Seriously, Victor?" I yell into the phone while trying to organise the stuff on my desk.

"A client's request must be fulfilled and I knew you would find out eventually." He speaks calmly like he was expecting this call.

"Keeping important information of the case hidden? What you did was unprofessional. Besides what the actual fuck is Richard's criminal record? Shouldn't I be investigating against him rather than for him?"

"Relax, Amara. Our job is to do what we're asked to, not delve into the client's personal lives." Victor says from the other line.

I almost forgot I'm talking to one of the most morally grey agents in the organization. "This is batshit," I murmur.

"It is but Richard's payment is really useful for us and you know that, I don't care what he did years ago. There's probably no evidence to use against him hence, we'll focus on the matter at hand." He says smoothly.

"Okay but if I find you withholding any significant information from me again, I swear to god Victor, I'd kill you myself."

"With pleasure, sweetheart," He chuckles and I decline the call.

I called my team and started devising the plans for further investigation. "Martin, I need you to find out more about Shadow Net and conduct a background search on all the founders.

Edward, provide security for Armani and Richard. Install a team of bodyguards and ensure they stay present as a second shadow with both of them. Some of our agents will work in Skyblink and Caltech under disguise and some of them will work as personal housing staff, keeping an eye on both of them 24/7."

James, Sarah and I will attend the annual gala of Nexus Club that is next month. The three of us would observe the Elite circle closely. The details will be provided to you as per the need. Understood everyone?"

"Yes ma'am," they say in unison.

We need to wait until the killer makes a move and he will make a move soon if he maintains his current timeline.

Silas. The name sounds oddly familiar. Did I miss something? I skim through the documents just in case.

My team has already started working on their respective tasks. I've read every statement and searched through all the records and there isn't a single lead or clue on who might be the killer.

How did one manage to kill six people without leaving a single piece of evidence? No, this doesn't make sense. The migraine turns into a full-blown headache. That's how I know I'm done for the day.

I slam the car door shut and drive through the highway. I've been on edge the whole day.

Richard Davis had no remorse for what he'd done. But Victor was right it's none of our business to indulge in a client's life. I've dealt with such criminal records before yet this one doesn't sit right with me.

Maybe because he is the elite of elites. Keep it professional Amara. I say to myself, exhausted because I have to clean the mess of some filthy rich clique.


I sat on my desk, surrounded by piles of case files and surveillance reports. The soft glow of the laptop screen illuminated my desk.

My expression is tight as I shift through the digital maze of information. Suddenly, the screen froze, a swirling circle of frustration mocking me from the centre. I groan in frustration and rub my temples. Another setback in an already long day. Why is my computer bugging now?

My husband, Alex, appeared in the doorway holding a cup of coffee, a concerned look on his face. "Everything okay, honey?" I shake my head, gesturing towards my laptop. "It's frozen again. I can't afford any more delays with this case."

Alex stepped into the room, a small smile playing on his lips. "Let me take a look. I've dealt with my fair share of bugs in my time."
It's easier to let Alex help than to call Martin to fix this mess.

Alex took a seat beside me and began typing away at the keyboard with practised ease.
Lines of code scrolled across the screen as he worked his magic, his concentration unwavering.

After a few minutes of intense focus, Alex leaned back with a satisfied grin. "There we go. Should be good as new." I leaned in to inspect the screen, my heart swelling with gratitude. "You're amazing, you know that?"

Alex chuckled, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Just doing my job, Agent Amara." he mocks a salute as he leaves me to continue my work.

I resumed my work and couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth, at having Alex by my side. In a world filled with storms and chaos, he was my calm waters, always there to lend a helping hand when I needed it most. Together, we made a formidable team, both in work and in life.

I still remember the first day I met. All the dates and persuasion, I remember it like it was yesterday.

6 years before

"Smile" The boy with glasses says it to me as he's holding the Polaroid camera.

I narrow my eyes at him and focus on my food. This is the reason I refused Sarah to attend this stupid after-party. After graduating, a bunch of students drinking in the new club townside was the last thing I wanted to do.

I finally finished my criminology degree and I'm scheduled to train with Victor before I officially start working with the department. It feels surreal.

"She's mean to me but she also happens to be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." The boy with glasses has the audacity to give a dreamy sigh as he talks to Sarah and she giggles. I'm right here, we don't even know him.

"You're drunk," I state as he takes the seat beside me.

"And you're pretty." He smiles genuinely revealing a dimple as his eyes light up. Classic American boy features enhancing his face. Cute. I look up at him amusingly.

"Are you a bug? Because I can't seem to get you out of my system," he says to me with a smouldering look on his face.

I choked on my food before bursting out laughing. I give him an incredulous look before saying
"Are you seriously referring to me as a bug? Just how much did you have to drink?" His face falls as if he can't believe why his out-of-the-world pickup line didn't work on me.

"Hey! I majored in computer science." He pouts at me like a kid. I continue laughing at him "Then should I cuff you and tie you to a chair? Because I majored in Criminology." I say and notice his ears turning red.

"Damn, you can't be that attractive and be good at flirting, this is unfair." He murmurs making me smile wider. "Oh yes, the injustice you have to face," I say feigning concern. "I'm Alex," he smiles while extending his hand. Hm, maybe the party isn't so bad after all.


I LOVED THIS CHAPTER! We got insights on Alex and Amara's cute meet. Plans for further investigation and I personally love Victor, can't wait to introduce his character more to you guys. Happy reading! Don't forget to vote and let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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