3. Revenge p.2

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2nd update
Abhishek:nice joke when i don't love you why do i care for you and i never loved you remember that

Manisha was thinking about Abhishek what he said to her last night but suddenly her phone start ringing when she check the caller id she saw its parth so she immediately picked up the call

Manisha:hello parth?

Parth:manisha i have something to tell you please meet me rn

Manisha:i can't parth i have so many works to do in house

Parth:then send me your location

Manisha:ok_________ is my location

Parth cut the call after 30 minutes she heard door bell

Parth:i missed you so much manisha i like someone how should i propose her?

Manisha:just go to her hug her tightly and tell her how you feel for her i am sure she will differently accept you

Parth:do you think she accept me if i propose her like this? If she reject me then my heart will be broken

Manisha:dont worry she will accept you just go and tell her what you feels for her

Parth:ok let me do this

Suddenly he hug her tightly

Parth:manisha i love you from childhood will you stay with me forever?


Parth:it's ok don't answer i will wait for you in __________ location so plz come at 7pm

Then he left manisha was about to go in her room but she saw AAbhishe angrily standing in front of her room

Abhishek:so this is what you are doing behind my back?

Manisha:no Abhishek you misund-

Abhishek slap manisha

Abhishek:you are making me psycho manisha

He shouted at her

Abhishek:so you are planning to date him behind my back?but let me tell you i will never let this happen now see what i do to you come in my room

Manisha:no please leave me

But Abhishek don't listen to her take her on his shoulder and throw her on bed

Abhishek:from tomorrow i will make your life hell for playing with me manisha It's my promise to you

Next day

Manisha:i have to meet with parth at any cost

Then she secretly went to meet with parth when Abhishek was busy with jiya in his room

Parth:i know you will come manisha

Manisha:parth i have something to tell you

Parth: i know what you want to tell me babe i love you manisha

The something unexpected happened between manisha and parth

On the other hand

Abhishek:manisha where are you?she is not in her room then where is she? Let me ask jiya 

Abhishek:babe do you know where is that manisha?

Jiya:nah i didn't see her from evening i think she run away how weak she is Why are you asking about her babe do you love her?

Abhishek:no babe i was just searching her for some punishment

Jiya:oh forget about he rmaybe she run away and if she not i will kick her out of this house


He said almost shouting

Abhishek:i mean why? I want to make her life hell so don't kick her from this house ok?

Jiya;huh whatever

Abhishek (in mind) :did she really run away from me?No no she can't i know she love me but what if she really run away from me

Suddenly manisha enter in room 

Abhishek:where were you manisha?

he said angrily

Manisha:i went to meet my friend

Abhishek:friend or that boy who hug you that day?

Manisha:you can think whatever you want Abhishek i don't care


He shouted on her

Abhishek:don't make me psycho 

Manisha:i am not making you psycho and if you done then please let me take some rest i am tired

Manisha was about to go but Abhishek hold her hand tightly

Abhishek:where is your phone?

Manisha:i don't know now let me go 

Abhishek:give me that boy phone number right now

Manisha:i don't have parth number Abhishek now let me go please

Abhishek:oh really then why are you not giving me your phone i give you 4 seconds if you don't give me your phone then i will show you my inner devil

Manisha:oh wait

Manisha was about to delete parth number
But Abhishek snatch her phone

Abhishek:you can't hide anything from me manisha

Abhishek saw manisha saved parth number with 'MY BABE' he looked at her dangerously

Abhishek:so that boy is your babe? I think my little punishment is not enough for you now see what i do to yyou

Then he hold her tightly and take her in a dark basement behind his house

Abhishek:from today you will stay here ok babe? I will f*ck you every night with no mercy

Manisha:no please don't do this with me i beg you

Abhishek:idc now let's have some fun manisha You need a hard punishment for what you did today

He undress her forcefully and put his d*ck inside her and did it hard until she pass out

After that Abhishek call parth

Parth:hello manisha

Abhishek:no it's Abhishek i want to meet you

Parth:why? And where is manisha?

Abhishek:you will know so come in_______
Location now

In that location

Abhishek:listen parth stay away from manisha

Parth:why should i listen to youshe is not your property so i will do whatever i want

Abhishek:yes she is my property because i won her she only belongs to me

Parth:i also won my manisha that means manisha also belongs to me Don't come in between us

Abhishek:you shouldn't come between us because manisha only love me

Parth:oh that's why she slept with me so many times

Abhishek:what???? How can you do this manisha?

Parth:wait are you falling for my babe?

He said in dramatic voice

Abhishek:shut up i never loved her and i will never love her she is nothing to me

parth:then good never come between me and my manisha

Abhishek:shut the fuck up

Then he left from there angrily

That's for today

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