6. Revenge p.5

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Abhishek come and punch that boy and start beating manisha in front of everyone lika a Phsyco everyone is watching her and Abhishek

Manisha:ahh Abhishek

Abhishek:i told you don't let him touch you now see what i do because of you again i turn into a Phsyco

He was beating her crazily and asked

Abhishek:why you let him kiss you answer me b*tch (shouting)

Manisha:Abhishek please leave me everyone is watching us

He stop beating her take her on his shoulder and leave from here

Abhishek:let's go home and then i show you my devil side pray to your god if he can save you from me

Both of them reached home and he throw her on bed

Abhishek:now tell b*tch why you let him touch you

Manisha:trust me Abhishek i didn't let him touch me he kissed me forcefully

Abhishek:didn't i told you don't go with that boy u jusr disobey me now see what i do

He grab her hair and take her somewhere
He take her in front of a waterfall n

Manisha:why you take here?

Abhishek:to kill you

Without wasting time ge grab her neck and he pushed her face in water she can't breathe under water she try to get out but he didn't let her she was about to give up but he pull her face out of water

Abhishek:jump manisha

Manisha:wait i don't know how to swim you lost your mind? You really want to kill me Abhishek?

Abhishek:i will count 1-10 if you don't jump i will pushed you

Manisha:please don't do this ahhhhhhhhh

Abhishek pushed her inside the water she can't swim she try to swim but failed slowly she was loosing her sense inside the water that time Abhishek jump and take her out in bridal style when he take her out of the water he saw she is already senseless he smashed his lips try to give her some oxygen

Abhishek:manisha open your eyes

Slowly she open her eyes

Abhishek:so finally you open your eyes babe

Manisha: you Phsyco stay away from me

Abhishek:you like my this Phsyco side Babe? 

Manisha:god please help me from this Phsyco

Abhishek:pray as much as you xan no one can save you from me now let's go home

He take her in home and put her down on the bed he start to take off her dress

Manisha:what are you doing

Abhishek:your full dress is wet you will catch cold let me change your dress

Manisha:you don't need to change my dress i can change my own dress

Abhishek:i already saw your everything you don't need to be shy

Then he change her dress

Abhishek:looking hot manisha let's make love now

Manisha:no just stay away from me

He didn't listen to her and forcefully did 'it' with her when he was doing that forcefully that time

Jiya:Abhishek what are you doing how dare you

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