Chapter - 10

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A normal person


This seems like the perfect word to describe how Sun feels right now. Camp this time is full of frustrating things for her. Running the camp is quite chaotic because the new student council is in charge, not the seniors like last time. Therefore, the responsibility is indeed more challenging. Not to mention how annoying it is to be approached all the time by these persistent boys acting like playboys. This is actually a common situation, no different from the last camp or when she's at school. The difference now is that there is one person she cares about. Sun cares about Ongsa's feelings and doesn't want her to get it wrong. However, despite how worried she is, that idiot acts unconcerned and ignores her. Ongsa shows no reaction when these boys flirt with Sun. She acts as if she doesn't know her and even avoids her. Sun feels like screaming, asking Ongsa if she really has a crush on her!!


At camp, after all the day's activities are finished, everyone separates to sleep. This excludes organizers because before they go to bed each night, they need to meet to complete the results of each day's activities and prepare the next ones for tomorrow.

This is the third night, the penultimate night of the five-day, four-night camp. Tonight's meeting is quite uninteresting as the content is no different from the first two nights. Furthermore, the team is exhausted from three days of hard work. Most would rather be sleeping than listening to the camp leader at the meeting.

I'm bored. :SUN_SUN

Talk to me. :SUN_SUN

– O -: About what?

– O -: Aren't you in a meeting?

– O -: Focus on the meeting. Put down that cell phone.

– O -: Your friends will scold you.

…This girl is more boring than the camp boss!!…

Ongsa ignored her earlier. And now also by message. Sun is about to get upset. Does she have no idea about this?

The daily meeting was finally over. The team is happy to rest. As today's activities were tough, most are exhausted and need to sleep. The same goes for Sun. She planned to rest after the meeting because it's her duty to wake up the campers tomorrow. This means she needs to wake up earlier than others. Sun would have gone to rest as she wished if she hadn't found someone standing in front of the meeting room.

“Ongsa…” Sun says softly, but his heart is racing. Since arriving at camp, they haven't seen each other often due to different obligations, and they haven't talked much because Sun has been busy. Sun's heart pounds when she sees Ongsa waiting for her after the meeting ends. Sun always loses everything with Ongsa's attention.

"What are you doing here? Why didn’t you go to bed?” Sun asks to hide his shyness.

“I… ah… I was waiting…”

"By whom? ^^”

“I was waiting for Tinh.”

They say girls are extreme creatures who have the ability to change moods in the blink of an eye. Sun just proved this to be true. Her shyness turns into a feeling of frustration with the words, 'I was waiting for Tinh.'

"Beauty. So I'm going.” Why would she stay if Ongsa wasn't waiting for her? Why would she stay to get upset? Ongsa, you idiot! Unbelievable!!


“Why didn’t you tell her you were waiting for her? Because lied?" The best friend's voice makes Ongsa look away from Sun's back who was returning to her cabin.

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