Chapter - 11

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I hate your ex

Starting the semester complaining and being bored during vacation is common for high school students. 'Ongsa' is one of them. However, this time, Ongsa is not bored due to having too much free time. On the contrary, she is irritated about not having free time.

After the volunteer camp, a terrible human being like Ongsa spends his days at the cram school.

She studies…

…and study…

…and study…

…and study some more.

Ongsa studies from Monday to Saturday and rests on Sunday to restore energy for next Monday. This pattern of studies is more boring than going to school. At school, she can meet, talk and hang out with her friends, but she is completely alone in the cram school. Here's the thing, the religious Charoen went on a pilgrimage in the forest immediately after the exams and only responds to her messages every now and then. Tinh is studying with a private teacher at home, so no chance of him going out with Ongsa. Regardless, none of this has any bearing on why Ongsa is bored during vacation. Well... she's in love, but she's separated from her beloved for this vacation. Who wouldn't be upset? It's not like they've lost touch with each other. They text each other every day and sometimes make video calls, but it doesn't compare to being together in person. Ongsa still misses Sun. Everything leads to her...

'Cut classes.'

The last time Ongsa did this was to see Sun at the cafeteria, the day she was discovered to be Earth. She never skipped class again after that. This time... it's risky, but she's willing to try her luck. If they don't meet, Ongsa believes she will go crazy because she misses Sun so much.



“Did you wait too long? I’m sorry I’m late.”


“Ongsa… Are you okay?”

"… I am." It took Ongsa a while to find his voice; Sun is wearing makeup today. It's not overdone, just light makeup, the way teenagers prefer it. Her light makeup is super cute.

“Are you hungry, Ongsa?”

"A little."

“Then let’s eat before we buy tickets.”



Initially, Ongsa thought Sun would take her to a restaurant in the mall, but Sun surprised her by dragging her out.

“What do you want to eat, Sun?”

“You’ll know when we get there. Follow me." Sun looked mysterious, taking advantage of Ongsa's curious expression.

"This place."

“Hia-Tong Restaurant, Crispy Pork and Chicken Rice.” Ongsa reads the sign.

"Lets go in."

Ongsa and Sun eventually sat down at Hia-Tong Restaurant, the place looks decent considering the amount of customers coming in. They ordered crispy pork with rice for this meal.

"What about? It is good?" Sun asks with such enthusiasm when she sees Ongsa take the first bite, as if she prepared the dish herself.

“So good *O*” Ongsa says sincerely. In all his seventeen years of eating crispy pork, none of them were as delicious as this.

“I remember you saying you love crispy pork. That's why I brought you here. My mom used to bring me here when I was in elementary school.”

“Um, hum.” Ongsa nods, still chewing. He's really hot.

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