So funny story. Theres a demon living inside me.

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Your hands shock as you fold the newly written letter between your thin fingers. Heart pounding in your chest at the thought of what's going to happen and what you were about to do. You guided a little strand of hair behind your ear and took a deep breath.

I'm going to do this.

Even if you were quirkless that didn't mean you didn't deserve love. You would do this and be ready for the good request. It would be a good request right?

Yeah he was a big bully, but that didn't mean he didn't have feelings either. Bad people also deserved to be treated right and loved.

With a new boost of determination you closed your locker and locked it while trying not to crumble the letter in your palm. You felt like a ticking bomb so much you trembled. Just waiting to explode and destroy all the evil comments that always found a way to your ear.

 No matter how much you pushed them away and locked them up and hid yourself.

You hived yourself out of your thoughts and began walking towards the classroom you had asked him to wait in. Well you didn't outright ask him. Just left a little note at his table and hoped that he wouldn't ignore it.

 Relief washed over your heart as you had seen him take the note and read it. Excitement had bloomed in your stomach as he laid the letter on his desk again and returned his stare up towards the teacher.

You took it as a good sign.

As you made your way to the classroom your heart began getting louder and louder in your ears and blocked out any other sound. 

Butterflies tickled your insides and it felt like all the embarrassment and nervousness was going to burst out of you.

You hand trembled as you reached for the door handle, taking it and pushing the door open. You peeked in and nearly squeaked as red eyes collided with your own.

Okay it was now or never.

The boy was sitting on a desk, possibly looking out the window before you came in. Now his beautiful breathtaking crimson eyes roamed over my face. You felt heat rise to your cheeks and make your face red. You walked fully inside and closed the door behind you, hiding the letter behind your back. 

Suddenly your shores became a lot more interesting and you felt your eyes glued to them, before his loud voice boomed in the empty room.

"So are you that stupid girl who gave me that note on my desk?"

His voice was commanding and harsh. Spitting out the words like they were poisonoise on his tongue. You ignored the 'Stupid girl' in his sentence and walked a little closer, gulping slightly. 

Suddenly your mouth felt dry and like your throat was full of sand.

"I um" you croaked out and tried finding that determination you had just moments before. The boy grunted and jumped down from the desk, striding towards you with a heavy scowl on his sharp face. Spiky blond hair looking sharp, but also soft at the same time.

 He walked all the way up to you. His red irises looked down on you with impatiens.

"Spit it out already" he growled, eyes narrowing.

"R-right. Here B-Bakugou" you hated the way your words stammered and handed him the letter. He scoffed looking down at the folded paper, then taking it and slowly unfolding it.

 You watched him as his red eyes read the words you had poured out of your heart to him and waited with a pounding heart. 

You held your breath and tried pushing all the doubts and thoughts out of your head. Then a sinking feeling made its way into your body as you saw Bakugou's eyes widen. 

He wasn't at the end of the letter, but right at the middle. Right where you had written about you being quirkless. You had scribbled that down because you didn't know if he knew about you. He was a straight A student and you a nobody who mostly kept to herself. 

He stopped reading, seeming to stare at one word and then in a millisecond his face morphed into anger and disgust. Your heart clenched painfully at the chance and slowly a tearing sound filled the room.

Small pieces of paper flew to the ground as feathers. Words destroyed and ripped apart. You gulped looking as your letter was ripped to shreds. Your eyes began burning with upcoming tears.

"YOU QUIRKLESS FREAK!" Bakugou yelled, getting your heart to squeeze. Then your head turned abruptly.

What happened? No he wouldn't? Would he?

A sting in your cheek began forming and half of your face burned.

Heartbeat beating faster and faster and louder and louder. Eyes wide you cupped the painful cheek, slowly turning your head to the yelling boy. His words were silent. All you could hear was the slap hitting again and again. His palms sparked and eyes wide with rage, while his mouth spilled out his anger and disgust. 

You swallowed thickly then all sound came back in nine words.

"Who would ever love a quirkless mistake like you?" The words fell from his mouth as knives piercing your heart and breaking it. He didn't even yell it, but said it like it was nothing. Your breathing came faster and faster. 

Bakugou brushed past you and slammed the door behind him.

You didn't look after him, just stared at the small scraps of paper on the ground before you. Your hand found your face, but didn't feel any tears even when your eyes burned.

Was this what resection felt like?


Who was that?

You stumbled to look behind you, no one.

It's me

Who is me?

That boy didn't deserve us.

Wait us?

That's when you realized the voice came from your mind.

Yes us. Have you ever heard people say that every living being has some sort of demon inside them?

Yes you have heard of that, but didn't really think that there really was a living demon inside a person. Mentally illness, but demons no.

Yes I've heard that.

Well here I am. And we're going to make this world neel before us. 

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