Chapter 15

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To absolutely no one's surprise, you never ended up stepping foot on the court when the game started.

Paige walked in almost at the last minute, strolling through the doors with a flippant shrug when Nika chided her for being late. The blonde didn't seem to be in a hurry, leisurely walking towards the benches and placing her belongings down. Her eyes roamed the court, and Kazzi caught the exact moment the other saw her. Paige's eyes went comically wide, and Kazzi resisted the urge to laugh at the other's shocked expression, deciding to avert her eyes. 

Kazzi couldn't keep her eyes off of Paige for long, though, and when she looked back, the blonde was still looking at her. When their eyes locked, Paige cocked her head, a slow smile stretching across her lips. Kazzi could almost hear Paige's smug voice in her head, asking if she came to support her. Kazzi made a show of rolling her eyes, frowning when Paige's smile grew wider at her antics. She almost looked fond.

"Stop making googly eyes at her."

Kazzi slid her gaze to Lili, who was seated next to her and looking entirely unimpressed. 

"I'm not."

"You guys are gross. Just get together already."

Kazzi scoffed, "I can't bag that." 

Her eyes wandered back to 'that', catching Paige's eye yet once again. The star threw her a wink, and Kazzi bit her tongue to resist a smile. The two of them can't seem to tear their eyes away from each other, and Kazzi ignores the growing need in her gut to shove Paige against the nearest wall and make out with her. That was what the twitter page is for.

"You guys are equally down bad for each other, it's disgusting," Lili commented, "and you're blind if you think otherwise."

"Equally?" Kazzi muttered dryly, "I don't see her creating a thirst fanpage for me."

"Oh believe me, if she had the chance, she would."

Kazzi ducked her head to hide the growing flush in her cheeks, mentally dragging herself back to the reality where she couldn't pull Paige Bueckers. Careful, almost got a bit delusional there. Kazzi decided to turn the conversation around, "Anyway, what's up with you and Azzi?"

Lili flinched, and Kazzi noted – with glee – the gradual redness in her ears. The former shifted in her seat uncomfortably, clearing her throat, "Nothing."

Kazzi held herself back, usually having already teased the other into oblivion by now. However, following the undoubtably traumatic events this morning, Kazzi didn't want to make Lili feel any worse than she already did. Thus, the former tried to brush over the topic, hoping the latter would feel less awkward about it, "Okay. I just saw that you two hit it off really fast."

"Yeah...I mean she's really easy to talk to."

Kazzi smiled, genuinely happy that her friend was able to socialize and make new connections, "That's great, Li. Azzi is an amazing person, she'll be a good influence on you."

Lili shot Kazzi a playful stink eye, gently shoving the other, "Yeah, unlike you. You're a bad influence."

"What?" Kazzi exclaimed – offended, "How? I'm a great influence!"


"That's not an answer."

"Shh," Lili shushed her, "The game is starting."

Kazzi huffed, leaning back into her seat. Her eyes latched onto the court, bubbling excitement stirring in her gut when she realized she was about to witness two legends play each other. She couldn't hide her anticipation, leg bouncing, stopped by a slightly irritated but amused Lili.

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