Chapter thirty five

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Once I'm back in Iran and at the compound, the shit begins. I'm in a plain dark concrete room hanging by my wrists. Hassan hasn't come in yet, so there's just random people here, trying to squeeze a scream out of me. But I won't give it to them. From the fall that I took the other night and the fight, along with the beatings, to say that I'm in pain would be an understatement.

I feel the whip hit my back, leaving a stinging pain each time. I spit the blood that has built up in my mouth onto the floor. My vision keeps on going in and out. It's been two days since I've been here. Meaning that there's three more days until they come. I promised myself that I wouldn't forget about those people. I can't, I need to get out of here and that's clear.

Suddenly, the door opens and Hassan walks into the dark and musty room. "Good afternoon Khor Khoreh. You failed your mission, and because of that you will be punished," he stars.

"However, I need you in three days, so it will be held off until then. But I wouldn't want you to think that you are getting off the hook because of this. So that being said," he says, then pauses and walks over to the cart.

I watch him grab a taser stick. And immediately he lights it and shoves it into my side. I hold my mouth shut so as to not let out any screams. However I can't help but grunt through the pain. He finally pulls away and I pant, trying to catch my breath. I can feel the blood start to fill up in my mouth again. I spit it on the floor once more, and then he goes for another round. This goes on for three hours.

"Get her suited up and then bring her to my office," Hassan commands.

I'm covered in sweat and blood. My hair is stuck to my face due to the blood and sweat. Once I'm dressed into my outfit I make my way down to his office. I have five guards escorting me.

Once I'm in Hassan's office, I see him standing with his back turned to me. He was staring at a map with pins in it. I just stand there in the doorway, waiting for a command. I can feel myself swaying back and forth. I feel so weak right now.

"Here you go sir," the one soldier says.

Hassan turns around and looks at the soldier. He nods his head and thanks him. The other four soldiers follow him out, closing the door behind them. Leaving it just me and Hassan.

"I am most disappointed in you," he starts.

He had a look in his eyes that I've never seen before. I watch him walk around the desk and up to me. And the closer he gets to me, the more fearful I get.

"I-I'm sorry sir. I-"

"Shut up!" He shouts.

He grabs a glass on the desk and throws it right past my head. Making it break the moment it hits the wall. I jump back at this.

"You have lost your place. I want to know why you didn't succeed. Was it that you knew him? Was it that redhead that stopped you? Was it the fact that you fell seven stories? Or was it the fact that you went to see your family?" He asks.

My blood runs cold. He knows. He fucking knows and now he's going to kill them.

"I have a tracker in you. Did you really not think that I didn't see? Do you take me for a fool like your own family members?"

I can feel tears start flooding down my face. Hassan keeps getting closer and closer to me. I keep backing up until my back hits the wall. Once I hit the wall Hassan places his hand on the wall right by my head.

"I blame this on me. I shouldn't have sent you to kill him. You weren't ready. There wasn't enough time. But I won't make that mistake again."

"I didn't know who they were, I promise. I don't know their names, I don't believe them, but I don't believe you. All I know is that I know them," I try to plead. My words come out quick and jumbled.

Hassan slams his hand against the wall. "Enough!" He demands, anger and range filling his voice. "I know that the torture that my men did on you isn't enough. So, I'm doing it my way." Now instead of seeing anger on his face, a smile creeps up.

My body keeps swaying back and forth. But I didn't like this. I didn't like the way that this was going. I wasn't going to let this happen to me again. I can now feel his body against mine.

I quickly shove him off me and punch him in the face. He gets off me and stumbles back. I watch him get up and wipe the blood off his lip. He laughs to himself and straightens up.

"You shouldn't have done that," he smiles.

Why, why five days? Why couldn't they have just come today? Where is General Logan? He said that he wouldn't let him touch me.
"Please," is all I can get out. Even then, it sounded so weak and small.

"You should have thought about that before you hit me, my pet."

Today was the day that the invasion was going to happen. Thankfully I'm still in my right mind. Except for the fact that I don't feel like myself. I haven't eaten since the mission and I haven't been patched up or anything. I felt weak and vulnerable.

I was laying in my cell. They had placed me in a different one. One without a bed or anything for that matter. I was laying in the corner of my cell curled up into a ball. The last few guards that came in, I had killed them out of protection.

The door to the cell opens and Hassan walks in. I hadn't seen him since our last encounter. He was holding something in his left hand. He threw it on the ground and I saw that it was my suit.

"Put this on. The meeting starts in about thirty minutes. Once you're done, you are to come directly to me. Do you understand?" He asks. I nod my head.

"Good. You are to not say a word and you are to obey everything I say. After words, you and I are going to have another talk. You won't be remembering your family much longer," he says and then slams the door.

I get up and grab the suit. I exchange it with my torn up pants and put on the nice leather ones. I've just been in pants and a bra for the past five days. It was nice to finally be covered up.

Once I'm changed I make my way out of the cell. Thankfully there were no guards to escort me anywhere. I make my way down to the control room. Once I enter the room it's filled with computers and filing cabinets.

There are three guards in there, sitting and watching like little kids when their favorite show comes on.

"Ma- err. Khor, what are you doing in here?" The one guard asks.

The other guard hits him, he fucked up and he knows it. I turn behind me and lock the door. All of their eyes widen with fear.

The one walks up to me and I snap his neck. The next one comes up with a stick. I grab his wrist and flip him onto his back. I throw my heel into his throat, killing him. Then the other one comes with a gun. Not wanting any noise I flip the gun around and out of his hands. I unload it and throw the pieces either way. I use the wall, jump off of it and kick the man square in the face, knocking him out. I then walk up and snap his neck.

Once all the guards are down, I walk over to the computers and start to hack into them. I put a timer on for all the doors to open at 8:00. I look at the clock now and it reads 7:30. I unlock the door, only to lock it again with the keys that I stole from the one man's pants.

Once I'm at the meeting room I take my side next to Hassan. There are a total of six people here. The other ones have been killed off by me, their loyalty was not acceptable.

"Khor Khoreh, welcome to the meeting," the Russian greets. My lower half of my face is covered by the mask. I have on the black face paint all over my eyes. And my hair is in a loose braid.

"How nice of you to join us," Hassan says. Tonight, would be the night that I keep my promise.

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