2. A Sudden Invitation

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After several hours of playing Garden of Paradise with her online friends, Ruzha said goodbye to his friends in the game's chatroom, before proceeding to close the game. When the game is fully closed, she stretches her whole body while also rubbing her eyes as a reflex she has for looking at her screen for so long.

"Let's sleep now" she mumbles.

After she said that to herself, she looked back at her screen— planning to turn it off so she could go to her room to sleep. But before she could do that, a sudden message notification came up which caught her attention. Because of the curiosity she got from it, she gave up on her initial intention and opened up the message.

"Oh, it's Alan. Why does he message me this late?"

After she saw someone with alandvph as their username was the one who sent her the message, she made the letter 'o' with her mouth— before she read the message slowly since she felt sleepy. But when she finally knew what the content of the message was, her eyes widened by it and she got a sudden energy to type a reply as fast as she could.

Furball Lady:

Huh? An artist requesting our publishing house to adapt my novel into a comic? A foreign artist at that?

[1:04 AM]

Ruzha can't hide her shock from the information she just received. She went silent right after she sent the reply, thinking whether she was dreaming or not. As if trying not to give her shock a chance to get subsidized, a few minutes after that another message came up along with one document with the title [The Artist's Profile] attached to it, which made her eyebrows frown in confusion.

She didn't understand why Alan suddenly sent the artist's profile to her, so she was contemplating whether to open the document or not. Several minutes later— after she thought about it for a while, she finally decided to open the document and read all of it until the last page. Once again she widened her eyes at the sudden information, and when she finished reading all of it— she took a moment of silence to process everything on her mind.

"So this artist is apparently a child of some rich people in that country. He coincidentally finds my book which just got the English version published in his country and took a liking to its story, so he wished to make a comic adaptation and wished to meet with me?" she said in a low voice, summarizing the information she got from the document.

Every piece of information truly brings her so much shock, but what makes her eyebrows frown even more is the artist's request to meet her. Of course, it's not like he asked her to meet with only the two of them, but as an author who never shows her face to the public— this makes her feel conflicted.

"Well... despite being a child of a rich person, he got a good reputation for not using his parent's authority on other people. Plus, all his comic adaptations always became popular which made the original author's popularity skyrocket as well" she said, pointing out the artist's positive trait that was collected from several people who already made contact with him.

What's more, he's from the same country as them.

She said inside her mind when she read the information about where the artist came from. While she does that, she also remembers her overseas friends who coincidentally came from the same country as the artist. She thought it wouldn't be so bad to visit her friend's country, especially since it was quite a popular tourist destination.

"But the problem is, I heard several cases of the people of that country being racist to people from Southeast Asia which kinda made me worry" she contemplated before adding more, "Of course, I believe that not all of them are like that, since I knew people like those guys live there. But knowing how mentally weak I am— I'll probably be traumatized if it's ever happened to me when I go there."

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