3. Hesitation and The Lingering Darkness

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Ruzha Niesha is someone who is socially awkward when it comes to human interaction and tends to avoid direct conversation. Because of that trait she has, she often prefers to talk in text instead of doing it vocally— unless the one she talks to is someone she always directly interacts with for a long time or if that someone is capable enough to put her at ease when they're in conversation.

So far, the only people that she can manage to directly interact with are two of her first friends in Garden of Paradise. One is a woman named Dheana Callista and the other is Valden Alandra. She met both of them inside the game just a month after she started playing it. They became friends for several years after that until they finally directly met as they were coming from the same country.

The two of them are precious to her, as they're the only ones she could trust while also someone who would put their trust in her as well. There's no one else aside from them that she can fully trust, so that's why she never tries getting closer to others despite the fact that she held several people other than them preciously.

So that's why, the sudden invitation she received from Spade brought her so much shock. Even when the day has changed since that invitation, the shock is still lingering and isn't dissipating. She lowered her head looking at her phone's clock which showed that the time had reached 5 AM. After that, she looks at the past conversation she had with Spade and the rest of her friends on the channel.


Mr. Clover:


LET'S HAVE A MEET UP ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)

Heart Bunny:

Where's the perfect place for a meet-up?

Mr. Clover:

How about that cafe in the city of eden?

Heart Bunny:

Cafe Estelle? that's a gud place, sure. But won't there be too many people?

I think somewhere with fewer people will be better

Diamond Lord:

Deciding a specific meeting place is good and all,

But make sure to choose a place that is close to each of our spawn points or somewhere close to the teleportation point

Heart Bunny:

So a place close to each of us, close to a teleportation point, with fewer people but comfortable enough?

Mr. Clover:



Wouldn't our guild's headquarters be a good option for it?

Heart Bunny:

But only members can enter the headquarters

Diamond Lord:

Me or Spade can send her an invitation so she can enter the guild's headquarters even when she's not a member

Mr. Clover:

Or we can just invite her to join our guild!

That's only if she doesn't have any guild tho

Heart Bunny:

I doubt dat... she prob made a guild with the rest of the first beta testers

Mr. Clover:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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