My "best friend"

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TW: A little cursing

~Kwite's POV~

Hello, I am Kwite! I am a junior and go to Here Town High School. School is ok I guess but recently it has been the last thing on my mind. All I have been able to think about is my best friend Springtrap. He is a senior and extremely attractive. I think I might be in love with him but I am not sure. That would be weird right? I mean we have been best friends since grade school and he isn't even human. Actually, technically he is human, but that's besides the point. I just don't know what to do.

I sigh as I shut my journal. My therapist said I would feel better if I wrote down my feelings, but to be honest, it wasn't helping. I flopped on to my bed and put my hands on my face. "Best friends." I whisper almost in tears. It just wasn't right. Every time Springtrap says "I love you" knowing it's platonic feels worse than getting stabbed.

I grab my phone and look at the clear case. Slipped inside it has a Polaroid of Springtrap and me. It's probably one of my favorite pictures. It was my first day of freshman year, Springtrap was giving me a big hug and had the cutest smile on his face. In sharpie at the bottom of the Polaroid it readed My cute boyfriend's first day! He wrote it as a joke but I wanted to believe it. So so bad.

I put my phone down. If I look at that picture any longer it's going to make me cry. "Maybe I should just tell him." I mumble. No, I can't. What if he doesn't like me back and it ruins our friendship! Or what if he likes someone else! Plus I am not even sure I am really in love with him. It hurt to think about. I lay face down on my pillow. At this point I'm crying. "Springtrap." Is the last thing I can managed to say before drifting off to sleep.

~little time skip~

I slowly open my eyes. It is now pitch black outside and in my room. My throat and eyes sting from crying. I feel like shit. I attempt to close my eyes and go back to sleep, but I am unsuccessful. I check the time on my phone and just as I do I get a text from Springtrap. It was 3:00 am and he usually doesn't text me so late. So this was unexpected.

Springtrap <3: Hey u up?

My heart races. What could he want? I take a deep breath and managed to text.

Kwite <3: yea I'm up :)

Springtrap <3: Can I come over?

My heart then skips a few beats. Springtrap wants to come over? At this time of night? What was wrong? I was kind of worried.

Kwite <3: Sure Springy <3

Springtrap <3: Thank you Kwite. I will be over in a few minutes <3

I set my phone down on my bed. Was Springtrap okay? I was very concerned and scared. But if he needs anything I will be there for him. No matter what.

I walk over to the bathroom and flick on the light. I squint from the sudden brightness and attempt to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I look in the mirror. My face is puffy from crying. I splash cold water in my face to at least make myself look a little presentable.

I walk back to my bed and sit in the middle of it. Now all I have to do is wait. Springtrap didn't live that far from my house only like two minutes, but for some reason it felt like I was waiting for two hours before I finally heard a light knock on my window. Since I still lived with my parents he had to go through the window so my parents wouldn't hear him coming in.

My bed was right up against the window so I crawled on my bed and unlocked it. Springtrap opened the window and slid in. He looked disheveled. I have never seen Springtrap like this before. It scared me.

Springtrap sat on the bed right in front of me but he wasn't looking at me. He was just staring out the window. The silence shared between us was ear splitting and just as I was about to break it he spoke "Isn't the moon beautiful tonight?" I looked at the moon beaming in the open window. It was beautiful but not more beautiful than him.

"Yeah I'd say so." We both stare into each other's eyes. "Why are you here Springy? What do you want?"

Springtrap got closer basically pining me to my bed. He was intimidating and towers over me. I was quite small compared to him.

"I want you Kwite." He said his voice getting deeper.

I turned red as a tomato and my heart quickened. "W-What?!" My voice was shaky. What did he mean by that?! What was going on here?!

"I yearn for you Kwite. The pain of only being a friend to you." He takes a moment. "It's just too much to bear. I want you Kwite. I want to see you. Your lips." As he says this he slowly pulls off my mask with his claws revealing my lips. At this point I am unable to speak. God, he knows how to make me tick.

Springtrap approaches my lips closer. Then finally in one smooth motion they collide. A sea of emotions following. His lips pressed against mine with so much passion they melted into me. The world seemed to slow and the only thing I could even comprehend in the moment was the overwhelming sensation I felt. Something I haven't felt in a long time.

I woke up and my whole world crumbled. It was only a dream. No, a nightmare. A mir fabrication that my brain formed. But for what? Why brain?! Why do you torture me so fucking much?!

I grab my phone and check the time. 7:00am and no texts from Springtrap. It was Monday and I was going to have to see him but I'm not sure I can even face him after that. But I can't just ignore him. Then he would think that he did something wrong when he didn't! I'm the only one doing things wrong here.

I set up in my bed and slid my hand up my mask. I pressed my two fingers to my lips. It felt so real. Everything from the way his eyes glistened in the moonlight poring out of the open window down to the way he melted my very being. It was intoxicating.

"Shit." I spit out, flopping back down on my bed. "I am in love with my best friend." I could deny it no longer. What the hell am I supposed to do?! What the fuck do people do after this?! I let out a long breath. I check my phone once again. 7:30am. Looks like I have to get ready for school.

Authors note: Dang why is this actually good?! Away I have no idea where I am going with this lol

Word count: 1218

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