Childhood Lovers

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"I bet I can beat you to the top of the tree" a nine year old Gracie tells the seven year old Y/n.

"Fine! Let's go!" Y/n agrees to the dare only to beat the brunette to the top.

"You cheated somehow! There's no way you bet me!" Gracie grumbles before Y/n speaks up.

"Truth or dare?" Y/n asks with a wide smile.

"Dare!" Gracie exclaims excitedly.

"Hmm.. I dare you.. to kiss me!" Gracie nods with a blush as she slowly leans in before Y/n runs away with a laugh.

"Hey!" Gracie yells offended as she begins the chase the younger girl while their parents laugh at the two girls.

"Those two are definitely gonna fall in love" Gracie's dad tells Y/n's as the man agrees with a smile while their mothers just smile knowingly.

"We should probably go home now. It's getting late"Gracie mumbles as she looks at the time on her phone, seeing it's 2 am.

"But you're comfy" Y/n whines as she pushes her face further into Gracie's chest, wrapping her arm around her waist.

"Cmon, your parents are gonna kill me if we're out any later on a school night" Gracie presses a soft kiss to her girlfriends head as she leads her to her truck and helping her get into the passenger seat before driving the girl home.

"Y/n! Come on! Please!" Gracie pleads before Y/n slams the front door in her girlfriend's face after pushing her out of her house.

Gracie sighs as tears fill her eyes as she remembers the fight the two just had before she sits on the stairs of her girlfriend's porch, waiting for the sun to rise so her girlfriend will come out of her house as she accidentally falls asleep while she waits.

"Gracie. Wake up" Y/n softly shakes the brunettes arm as she watches her girlfriend open her eyes.

"You didn't go home?" Y/n asks with a concerned look.

"I couldn't. Not when I knew you were mad at me" Gracie replies before Y/n smiles softly before leaning up to kiss her girlfriend.

"I'm sorry for all that stuff. I didn't mean it-" Gracie is cut off by her girlfriend.

"I forgive you. Let's just go to school, yeah?" Gracie agrees as she guides her girlfriend to her truck before driving to school.

"I love this spot" Y/n says as she sits on her favourite bench with her girlfriend before she leans her head on Gracie's shoulder.

"I know you do. I do too" Gracie replies as she nervously plays with her fingers.

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird all day" Y/n asks as she takes the brunettes hand in her own.

"Y/n.. I have something to ask you" Gracie says as she gets on one knee in front of her girlfriend.

"Gracie? What are you doing?" Y/n asks with wide eyes.

"Y/n, I've been wondering how I should do this. I've been thinking about it for months but eventually I realised that nothing I do will be good enough because nothing is as perfect as you are. So I just thought I'd go for it. You are my favourite person. I will never love anyone as much as I love you. All I want is to be with you forever and I hope you want that too. Y/n L/n, will you marry me?" Gracie watches as tears stream down Y/n's face while she pulls out the ring from her pocket.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Y/n exclaims as Gracie lets out a relieved laugh before putting the ring on Y/n's finger before pulling her in for a tight hug, listening to the people around them clap for them.

"I can't do this. Why am I doing this?" Y/n mumbles as she paces around the room nervously.

"You're doing this because you love Gracie. And she loves you. Do you want me to go get her?" Her mom replies with a soft smile as she looks at her daughter in her wedding dress.

"No.. she can't see me in my dress yet" Y/n replies while running her hands over her face.

"Okay.. just wait here, I'll be right back" her mother replies before leaving the room. Y/n sits on the chair in the room before she hears a knock on the door.

"Y/n? It's me, are you okay?" Gracie asks from the other side of the door.

"Yeah.. I'm scared Gracie"

"Why? Are you having second thoughts?" Gracie asks nervously.

"No. I know I wanna marry you but what if you get sick of me? What if I do something that makes you hate me? What if we get divorced?"

"Babe, if I was gonna get sick of you, it would've happened by now. And nothing could ever make me hate you. I already know everything about you and there's no way I would ever divorce you. Would you divorce me?" Gracie asks as she sits with her back against the door.

"No. Never"

"So there's nothing to worry about. We're gonna go out there and get married. And then one day we'll have kids and hopefully they'll look just like you" Gracie says with a smile as she listens to Y/n laugh softly.

"Will you be okay if I go get ready now? I'll send your mom back here" Gracie asks before Y/n agrees.

A few hours later, the two girls get married in front of their whole town with huge smiles on their faces.

"She's absolutely perfect" Gracie mumbles as she leans her head on top of Y/n's while looking at the baby that her wife had just given birth to.

"I love her so much. Do you wanna hold her?" Y/n asks the brunette as she nods excitedly while gently taking the newborn from her wife's arms.

"Thank you for giving me this family. I love you so much" Gracie says only for her to see her wife fast asleep on her shoulder. The brunette smiles before leaving a soft kiss on her wife's and newborns heads.

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