Chapter 5--"Snap Back"

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   "Hey, hey! Wake up! Kiddo, don't scare me!




"A voice is calling out to you, return."





(You awoke from your 'deep slumber', or not, you don't know how long that was either.)

Gosh. How long have I been asleep... Felt like an eternity. My vision, although still quite blurry, I could still see the shadow of IOBIO standing in front of me. A concerned look plastered on his face, his hands clenched each other eagerly, with brows knitted together. And of course, his brother, that 'octopus' is also at the scene to keep watch.

I opened my eyes, and stared at the ceiling blankly, despite IOBIO being right at my face. Eyes getting dry? Don't have the energy to blink. Nose not breathing properly? Don't inhale then. Mouth gaped open? Make it stay that way, I'm too tired.

Seeing that my condition is still quite in grave risk, the 'octopus' grabbed a bucket of water with a tentacle and dumped it over my head without any thinking, but was kind enough to not directly slam the entire thing at me. It filled my lungs partially, and I was soaked all over.

"Bleh Pff-" I widened my eyes. I feel much better after that splash. Water droplets dripping down my hair like honeydew on leaves. Thankfully, my eyes wouldn't sting like humans would, since I'm an aquatic creature, obviously. I shook my head a few times, trying to dry my hair, splashing water droplets everywhere on the surface. (I was located on land, having wet hair on dry land, is very uncomfortable) Coughing, I regained my breath at last, and turned to see an IOBIO who looked at me with fear in his eyes, a stretched, tense expression.

He fidgeted with his fingers whilst clenched hands, crossed legs, and a tail hiding between the gap of his knees.

"Big bro, is she going to be okay?"muttered a scared IOBIO, seemingly more worried than I am for my well-being.

"Chillax, brother. She's going to recover from that, she's probably not that weak." The octopus gave a smug expression, but quickly dropped the facade as he stared at me for confirmation that he never received.

With a tired body, I pushed myself up.

Ugh. My head's so heavy, so heavy...!

I held my head, trying to support it. Although it wasn't that much of a great help. My eyes are heavy, so heavy, and it's so tiring? So tiring? Am I...forgetting something important? That can't be, right? Wait. I remember now! I need to follow that weird voice...

"Finally, you aren't as clueless and stupid,huh."

Wow, a bit of a meanie...

"Hey, kiddo? Where have you dozed off? And, are you okay?" IOBIO said while waving his large arm in front of me, his eyes hinting a large amount of fear for me.

I snapped back to where I should be again. Smiling, I nodded to IOBIO, which just made him more confused.

The 'octopus', who obviously understood how awkward this felt for all of us, kindly switched the topic as he grew the bucket across the room to gain our attention fully.

"Would you look at the moon, it stands high and bright. That only means one thing, eh?"

IOBIO, who received the message, gladly answered, "Time to go home!"

Reality Shattered into A Million Pieces (Sci-Fi)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat