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Hi everyone, new update today

We're at 6.1k now!! *applause* (and we're still going up!)

(I also might mush a few other things in here...or just make a new chapter, we'll see)

So there's been a confusion as to what is the date of the removal- if it's April 39th or May 6

To un-confuse and confirm things with you all, 

It's May 6

(Link right here to the website of it) ———->

And I just had a conversation with someone about why they had taken the message down and that just made me realize it.

One of the reasons that wp could've taken it down is because they know we're smart, we're acting against them for what we want. So they want to hide it to make it as if it's secret.p for app users.

I can still see it (I'm a web user...so yeah)

They're not hiding anything. We're still going to keep on fighting.

I'm not sorry that you didn't get what you wanted. You forgot about your web users (as always)

Another thing is about last chapter, most of you guys didn't know where else to go except to email. So I'll also post in the link ALL of wattpad's social websites ——>

You guys can tag wattpad again. Over and over and over because this is blowing up everywhere.

A Wattpadder pm'd me and sent me the articles about what they had written, it's crazy how this went from wattpad to everywhere social media app.

I shall put the link if you guys wanna read the articles yourself

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