Unadvised Maintenance

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Hi everyone, so I'm making this chapter about what had happened earlier

So wattpad had an unadvised maintenance, which is super weird to me.

There was no time to get prepared, it was just given. (Starting to get really sus)

I wanted to bring up the topic because a few people I had talked to were somewhat scared during what had happened.

Even a user sent me this 

"Hey, i just wanted to tell you that i know a few people who have trouble commenting on books and now i have too. I don't know if there is any connection to the spam we've been doing in order to keep pms, but yk it seems odd.

I already tried to comment via mobile data and it didn't work either, just to prove my point. I just wanted to tell you this since i kind of see this as a way of wattpad trying to prevent us from tagging them under books so yeah. if i have sent this message btw i have already asked more ppl i know to check if its not me and if u wanna i can send you a picture of the warning (yes, it gives me a completely new warning) on snapchat under the name "_____". This is just kinda weird since my internet connection is okay.

Also my brother can't get on wattpad at all, nothing is working and he's saying that this always happens if watty is down or something, but this is weird since my app is working perfectly fine except for the comments.

i hope you can get something out of this information, this just kind of makes me really suspicious abt it being a 'lag"

This message started to get me suspicious of wattpad. (For a second I thought I was suspended)

Usually those things never last that long, it lasted about 15 minutes for me. It's totally confusing.

I also got another message

"just a unavdised Maintenace, Not everyone will like this if they know about this ''little joke'', it can be used as an example of what can happen if we don't do our part to get the signatures"

This is what scares me, like what if wattpad had truly done something like this on purpose. Many people say they send something before they do that, which they didn't.

I also wanted to add that it was working like normally after I got '502 Bad Gateway' until I saw that it said I had no messages, wouldn't let me comment.

This has never happened in the time I've been here, only the 502 thing, so that was completely new

I'm writing this because I know many users must've been scared by that, as if it's showing the future of wattpad.

I can't let it be. I won't.

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