A View to Remember

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Avinas POV:

After a 20 minute drive we finally arrived at the state park and by the time we got there I knew the sun would be setting soon. I smiled softly to myself before looking over at Mason who put his hand on my thigh as he looked into my eyes.

"Shall we get going?" I looked back into his light brown eyes, my face grew warm as a shade of pink coated my cheeks and nose.

Before I could comprehend what was happening I felt a large hand on the back of my head before my face was forced merely inches away from his, our noses practically touching as I felt his hot breath creep down my neck as he tilted my head to the side. I could feel myself dampening as I squirmed around in my seat trying to adjust my situation.

"M-Mason there are other people..." I whimpered out before I felt his teeth on my neck. I couldn't help the stifled moan that escaped my lips. I could hear him groaning as he sucked on my neck. I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself but it was torture.

"Mason please" I begged.

I felt him release his clench from my neck and licking it before he turned my face once again look into his eyes. I saw that devilish grin on his face, he knew I was a dripping mess but all he did was place a kiss on my forehead.

"We'll just have to continue this when we get home won't we?" He winked and my cheeks flushed a darker shade before I nodded my head as we got out of the car.

After a short 5 mile hike we reached our destination. There was a small clearing on the mountain surrounded by trees with a gorgeous blue lake sitting down below. I absolutely loved it here and didn't wanna leave.

Soon we sat down on a small picnic blanket we had brought along with us and stared off into the distance as the sun painted the sky's with a beautiful purpleish pink. I just sat there in awe as I leaned against Mason who had his arm around me.

My life feels so complete

Something caught my attention as my head snapped back to look behind me. It sounded like branches snapping but stopped just as quickly as it happened. I shrug my shoulders brushing it off before looking back over the lake. I know even if somethings out there I'm safe, Mason has a gun and so do I. He insisted on me getting one and teaching me how to use one just in case because you can't really trust anybody these days and I agreed.

I grabbed my small hiking bag I brought and reached into a hidden pocket before I felt my fingertips on the grip. I removed my hand and kept it close by. Something just feels off... I don't know what it is but something just doesn't feel right....

"Mason can we please leave now?... something isn't right, it just seems too quite now..." I practically whisper to him.

He looks over at me with a look of confusion on his face before he smiles and chuckles.

"We're on top of a mountain kippi surrounded by woods while the sun is setting... of course it's going to be quite I don't think the animals are out there throwing ragers" He laughed again before he noticed my expression hasn't changed and my anxiety was causing me to twiddle with my fingers. He placed one of his hands on my head before ruffling my hair.

"There's nothing to be afraid of darling you know I'll protect you from whatever big bad monster is out there" He smiled again before pulling out his gun showing me he meant it. I felt a little better and nodded my head slightly before looking back out over the scenery. God it was breathtaking.

After sitting there a couple more minutes after seeing the peak of the sunset we decided it was definitely time to get going. It was gonna be dark on the walk back to the car but we've done this hike hundreds of times and have definitely walked back even later after getting... distracted.

After he gets off the blanket I bend over and retrieve it. As I go to put it in my bag and zip it up I hear it again, but this time I can hear something moving closer. I quickly reach for my gun and stand back to my feet as I look around.

I can't see a fucking thing in this dense ass forest. I cursed in my head before I froze in place.

D-did I just hear something snarling?

My attention turns to Mason now as he's standing up straight, gun in hand, staring into the woods. He looked over at me, he looked so calm and collected which helped me calm down some but I was still terrified of whatever was making that deathly sound.

"Kippi I want you to walk over to me slowly ok?" Mason looked at me with concern in his eyes. I knew something was wrong and I knew I should have listened to my gut and left just a couple minutes sooner but no of course I just had to so easily throw my suspicions to the side.

I nodded my head slightly and began to inch closer to him. He was about 10 feet away from me but it felt like 100. My legs were shaking and my knees kept trying to buckle with every small side step I took, not daring to look away from the forest and I was almost arms length from him.

Just as he was about to reach his hand out his body was thrown back. My eyes widened and my lip began to quiver at what I saw in front of me. On top of my fiancé there were 2 large wolves snarling and snapping. My heart was jumping in my throat as I froze in place.

There was a slight size difference in the two but both were still brutes. The bigger one was black and grey with piercing green eyes and the smaller one was black and brown with icey blue eyes. Something about them intrigued me but out of everything I was feeling... terrified was definitely the ring leader in this fight.

Come on Avina now isn't the time to be scared! Mason needs us we can't let him down! I tried to hype myself up in a way.

I managed to look at Mason who was struggling under the weight of both wolves. It looked like they were toying with him. They kept pulling and inflicting small little knicks but didn't bother trying to actually harm him.

I raised my arms up and aimed the gun towards the wolves. My breath was shaky as I tried to calm down. I looked at the gorgeous creatures displayed in front of me. I didn't want to have to kill such majestic animals but my soulmates life is on the line and I need to protect him like he would me.

Just as my finger moved to the trigger their attention snapped my direction. There eyes piercing right through my soul. It might sound weird but I felt like they were looking me up and down... almost like they were checking me out?

Avina that's so stupid Jesus girl get a grip

As my eyes locked in with there's it slowly crept closer, baring teeth my direction as the smaller one kept toying with Mason.

Why can't I move?! God please please let me move something! My body was frozen in place as the wolf stalked closer. My body was betraying me and not letting me have any control whatsoever.

I'm so sorry Mas-


Before I could even finish my thought it was quickly dismissed as I heard a gunshot. Did i really just overcome that trance I felt so trapped in? Soon I quickly was back in the present as I heard a wolf give out a loud whimper. I looked at Mason who had his gun in one hand and than over to the wolf.

Holy shit Mason just shot one of the wolves in its shoulder. Even after everything he was dealing with he still managed to defend himself and me as it caught the attention of the bigger one that was merely feet in front of me. Before I had time to react I heard Mason cry out.


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