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Avinas (POV):

I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. I was at a lost for words, feeling like there was nothing I could do but sit there and wait and see. He was so close to me now, I could practically feel his lips against mine.

Fuck I want to know what you taste like. My thoughts were filled to the brim with what it would be like to be shared by all three of them. I would be lying if I said I wasn't tempted.

Avina snap out of it they killed Mason! That thought seemed to wake me up and soon I pulled my face away from his hand.

"I-I'd like to go to my room please... I'm still feeling kinda tired" I looked back up to the three men. God I felt so small and vulnerable around them.

"If that's what you'd like to do princess. If you need anything just call for one of us or say something to Sandra." Gil said before he walked to the office door opening it before standing to the side.

"After you"

I nodded and walked out of the door and down the hall as he followed behind. Once we made our way to the opposite end of the hall Gil stepped in front of me, opening the door for me.

"Thank you" I shyly spoke, forcing a smile as I walked past him. The door shut behind me and I heard the lock latch. I sighed before strolling towards the bed.

As I crawled back in bed I couldn't get the thought of Mason out of my head. My life was so damn normal until last night and I lost everything... the tears swelled in my eyes but I didn't fight them this time. I hugged a pillow and embraced the darkness that took over.

A loud pounding sound made me shoot out of bed. My heart starting racing as I tried to steady my breath before the door was thrown open.

"What the hell were you doing?!" The voice boomed through the room and I couldn't help but cower away into a corner until his tall figure was right in front of me.

"I told you to be downstairs in a hour an hour and a half ago and I've been calling for you for 15 damn minutes!" He spat out.

I whimpered a little as I tried to control my emotions. Wait what the hell I don't remember him saying anything to me...

"I-I'm sorry... I-I must've fallen asleep when I came back in here and I don't even remember you saying anything to me" I quickly said as my voice was shaky. I heard him growl a little and clench his fist before he pushed my hair behind my ear, moving his hand to lift my chin up to stare into those dark eyes.

"I'm sorry for losing my patience princess, I should have come in earlier. Please come downstairs with me?" He sounded genuinely apologetic and not wanting to anger him more I just nodded my head.

He took my hand and led me beside him downstairs. Instead of making a left like I had done previously we made a right which opened up into a big living room. I saw Calix and Jax sitting on the couch and they both looked over as we entered the room. He led me over to the couch and before I could even sit down I felt a set of hands wrap around my waist and pull me down towards the couch. I couldn't help the small yelp as I was placed in one of the men's lap. I kept my nerves under control to the best of my ability but I felt my body tense up.

"Relax sweetheart we just wanted to know what you thought about everything you learned about earlier." Jax whispered in my ear, gripping my waist a little tighter.

My cheeks flushed pink as the other two kept their eyes on me, almost jealous Jax grabbed ahold of me first. As much as I didn't want to believe them, deep down I knew it was true. I've seen their wolves before, well except Gilths but he was more intimidating than the rest so no doubt he had one too. Also remembering everything they told me how could I let an entire pack die because of something they have no control over? They didn't get to chose who their mates are and I couldn't bring myself to being the cause of so many casualties... As much as I hated the idea and wished it was all just one big dream I also felt like I didn't have much of choice either.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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