Chapter 3. A Night Stroll

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* Me and Neji walk in an awkward silence. I try to open my mouth to say something.*

Neji- Don't

* I puff my cheeks and stand back up straight as I start to walk a little faster than him.  He catches up to me but I do it again.  And again.  And again.  Finally he grabs my wrist and turns me around to face him.

Neji- Stop.

What all I was doing is walking

* Neji looks down and chuckles a bit*

Neji- You're funny..* he grits his teeth slightly * really...really..funny.!

Aww thank you!  * I say ripping my wrist out of his harsh grasp.  I put on a fake smile.*

So..are you!

Neji- Just keep walking.

* I start to speed up. He comes behind me and yells in my ear a bit*

Neji- At a normal pace!

* i huff as I start to walk normally.  But that gets bored so I start to run a bit.  But the I trip bracing for impact.  Neji catches me.*

Neji- Stop running. 

* I am in his arms in princess style *

* I blush slightly *




Neji- No you're a dirt bag!

Am not!

* Neji puts me down  and puts his hands in his pockets and starts to walk faster.*

Hey! Slow down!

Neji- You didn't for me so u need to keep up!

* I start to run a little bit till we reach my house.  I am almost panting of how long he made me walk.* 

Neji- Here is your house I am going now.

W-wait.  Can you come in?

Neji- No.  Why anyone want to come in your house.

Well you must want a drink.

Neji- Nope! We are rivals and I don't trust you so nope!

Aw ok yeah yeah you are a baby.

Neji- Your the one out of breath.

* I start to sway in the wind getting tired.  It is about 1:00 and I am usually asleep by now.  I fall on the grass and go to sleep.*

Neji- ughhhhhhh

* Neji picks me up and brings me into the house.  He puts me down on the couch and turns on the tv.  He starts to get tired.*

Neji mind- Stay awake you can't sleep here!

* He try's to wake me but I am just conked out.  He eventually falls asleep.  We both sleep there.  I start to wake up.  I see that I am lying on top of Neji.*


* I scream and get off and push myself back to the edge of the couch *

Neji- W-what the... .

* he still has his morning voice as where I screamed my way out of it.*

Neji- Why is my alarm clock so annoying and noisy today... . 

* He looked over at me...then the time...then back at me.*


Neji- Aw darn it!


Neji- you fell asleep on the grass in your front yard so I brought you in here and tried to wake you up but you would not budge so I turned on the tv and...fell asleep.... . 

* He grates the remote and turns it off*

Neji- Gah I have a head ache from your screams why were u screaming!

You were cuddling me!

* Nejis face goes red*

Neji- Let's forget this happened.

Ok... . 

- How did you like it.... Hehehehe have a good night-

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