Inside the ship

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My eyes traverse the vast expanse before me, a breathtaking vista that leaves me in awe. The warm radiance of the polished wood floor casts a gleaming reflection, suggesting that artisans have only just completed laying down the flawless boards. Above, a complex network of wooden beams weaves across the lofty space, their intricate arrangement serving more as a visual delight than structural necessity. Crystal chandeliers dangle at regular intervals, scattering light with a splendor that bathes the entire area in an enchanting glow of sophistication.

Dominating the space is a majestic grand staircase, spiraling upwards and downwards in a stately double helix, inviting exploration of unseen domains. On the port side, a charming row of boutiques displays their wares behind broad glass windows, enticing the curious to peer inside at the valued items they house. Against this, a lounge area draped in rich burgundy tones offers the promise of comfort and a moment's rest in its sumptuous seating.

To the starboard, a series of mirrored storefronts calls out, each entrance topped with a sign whose words tantalize from afar. My attention then moves to the line of passengers, a scene of eager anticipation and decorum, as two crewmembers in uniform, delicately direct each passenger, indicating whether to climb towards the skies or descend into the ship's embrace. One crewmember, a man, stands behind a desk, and taps away at a computer, and then hands a small bracelet to the female crewmember standing in front of the desk. The female then hands the bracelet or bracelets to each passenger. Even the Xerxes pause their insults, their breaths held in a moment of silent wonder. They spin a slow circle trying to take everything in. Their eyes grow wide as their whispers of admiration weave through the crescendo of soft murmurs filling the vast expanse. They remain rooted to the spot, utterly captivated by the vessel's splendor, until a crewman gently ushers them forward.

"Come on, Rayanna," Aceon says as he gently grabs ahold of my arm, and pulls me forward. "The line is moving."

"Ace, this is so... so...." I sigh, unable to find the words needed to describe my feelings.

"So... dramatic? So... over the top?"

"What? No. Why would you say that?" I turn to look at him.

He lets go of my arm as we follow the line forward. "This is so human. Putting on a big spectacle for an ordinary shuttle to the International Space Station. All of this," he says holding out his hands. "is completely unnecessary. It's just humans showing off."

"I beg to differ, sir." Says one of the female crew members as we step to the front of the line.

"I'm sure you do." Aceon mumbles under his breath, returning his hands to his side.

"This isn't just any ordinary shuttle." She says. "This is Earthbound Shuttle 56342, part of the Milky Way Cruise series. We make trips all over the Milky Way Galaxy, with some of the passengers, here, for a month or two. So, the 'over the top decorations', as you put it, are here to make those passengers feel happy and comfortable. We are also the only shuttle line that has an open, forcefield protected, top, in the nearest five galaxies. Our passengers love the view of the passing stars."

Aceon says nothing, just sets our bags down and hands over the tickets for the woman to inspect.

"I see you are in C234, our Binary Suite, that is located on the fifth floor. Go up the stairs, take a left, and midway down the hall lies your room. You are on a really great floor. It's the last of the passenger rooms, above you lays restaurants and activities of all sorts. Less stair climbing and more time for activities. These bracelets," she says handing Aceon and I each one, "Are the keys to your room, and the payment for the food and shops. You each get three free meals, from any of our fine restaurants. Should you choose to extend your stay, you will have to add meal credits and pay for additional stays, at the purser's desk one floor down. If you choose to do any shopping, you will also have to add credits via the purser's desk. Thank you for choosing Earthbound Shuttles, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us." The woman says with a smile as she hands the tickets back.

Aceon takes the ticket back, picks up our bags, and heads for the staircase. For whatever reason, he is annoyed and doesn't acknowledge the woman. Not wanting to get left behind, I follow suit, calling out a causal thank you before we leave her behind. Aceon's foot rises and falls, and with a solid thump, the grand staircase echoes, marking the first of thirty-five steps on the worn wooden surface. We veer left, the staircase's breadth tapering to a more intimate corridor, a sharp departure from the expansive ballroom behind us. Our path becomes a close-quarters journey, a shared navigation through a narrower stretch. The plush tapestry of a brown, diamond-patterned carpet softens our steps, while a trail of tiny white lights hugs the edges, weaving a glowing path. Above, the functional buzz of simple rectangular lights dots the ceiling, warding off the encroaching darkness. Doors line our path like vigilant sentinels, their numbers ascending in order — evens to the right, odds to the left. Amidst this orderly progression, door C234 appears midway, just as the crew member told us it would.

"Uh, Ace." I say. "Where is my room?"

"Right here." He answers setting down our bags and fumbling with the room key.

"Okay, so where are you staying?" I stand to the side watching him try to get the key to unlock the door.

"Right here."

"Won't that be... I don't know... awkward?"

He stops fumbling with the key and turns to look at me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, me and you, sharing the same small room. Won't it be weird?"

"We aren't sharing the same room."

"But you said..."

"We are sharing the same suite, there's a difference." He turns back to the door, fumbles a few more seconds with the key, a green light appears above the handle, a clicking sound is heard. "Have a look for yourself." He says opening the door and standing to the side for me to enter.

As the door groans on its hinges, it reveals a space that surpasses the ordinary. A vast common room stretches out, its plush white carpet offering a silent, soft greeting underfoot. The walls, painted in soothing cream tones, rise to meet an elegantly curved ceiling, its dark timber framework intricately etched with carvings of delicate flowers and meandering vines, echoing the serene beauty of the natural world.

In a cozy corner stands a solid wooden table, its presence undeniable, encircled by chairs hewn from the same robust oak, as if awaiting the gathering of an intimate group. Close by, a pristine white couch beckons, its fabric so unique it seems to respond to the slightest touch, promising comfort. I'm drawn to it, sinking into its pillowy softness, a sensation akin to being enveloped by a cloud.

Facing this, a marvel of technology: a towering screen that stretches from the floor to the ceiling, commanding the room. It doesn't display static images but holds a latent energy, as if on the cusp of springing to life, offering a portal to another world with its expansive, blank expanse — a sleeping giant of a 3D projector TV.

"Come on, Rayanna, I think the rooms are back here." Aceon says, walking past me, carrying our bags again, and entering a doorway I missed earlier, across from the table. I follow behind him, the lack of decorations seems almost disappointing compared to the common room. To the left stands one wooden door, and to the right another. "Which do you want, left or right?" he asks. "They both should be the same."

"The right, I guess." I shrug my shoulders.

"Okay then, I will meet you in an hour for dinner." He sets my bag down, beside me and turns back to his room. The door opens and then closes behind him without me being able to see what mysteries it holds.

"Guess it's time to check out my own room. I hope I won't be disappointed." I pick up my own bag, and open the door.         

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