Where Did That Come From?

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I catch my breath, awe-struck, as my eyes widen in silent reverence. The room's elegance fills the air, its luxury overshadowing the vast common area I just left. The immense plexiglass wall, a quiet guardian of the space, dwarfs the gossamer veils, offering a front-row seat to the star-studded void racing past outside. Held captive by the celestial dance, my focus remains until the room's centerpiece—a majestic canopy bed—summons me with its regal presence, its steady gaze locked on the cosmic display.

Stepping softly, I enter, setting aside my bag as I give in to the bed's inviting caress. I sink into its unforgettable softness, my backpack slipping to the floor, a mere afterthought in this haven of slumber. The thick, beige carpet underfoot echoes the walls' subdued hues, cushioning each step I take.

The allure of relaxation draws my eyes to a sumptuous sofa, standing guard before a finely crafted wooden table, both bathed in a warm, ambient glow. Across from the table, a pair of chairs keep watch, their upholstery whispering promises of comfort. Overhead, light wooden beams crisscross the walls and ceiling, their artful assembly casting shadows and patterns reminiscent of a timeless dance.

Past the wooden accents, a white brick fireplace stands with dignity, its mantle beckoning to unseen wonders. Driven by curiosity, I approach, only to discover a bathroom rivaling royal quarters. A mosaic of jet black and alabaster tiles lay underfoot, leading to a hot tub awash in serene light blue tones that takes my breath away. Matching in color, the countertops and sink extend along the wall, all under the watchful eye of a large mirror reflecting endless possibilities.

Across the room, a stand-alone shower is encased in intricately etched glass, and nearby, another doorway beckons to a realm of even greater wonders: a closet whose vastness rivals that of my childhood haven. It reveals itself to me, displaying an orderly collection of hangers, shelves, and cubbies, each one a mute entreaty to be adorned with valued possessions.

I go back to the bedroom and grab my suitcase, giving it a light toss onto the bed. I might as well do what Ace said and get ready for dinner. After the long day today, with sitting in a dusty spaceport, catching a shuttle to the moon, sitting in another dusty spaceport, and now here, I'm pretty sure I stink. I give my left armpit a quick sniff. Ugh! Yep, I stink. Opening the suitcase, I pull out my black dress (never leave home without one because you never know) some clean undergarments, my soap and hair care products, and head for the lavish bathroom. I stand, for a moment, trying to decide between the shower and the beautiful tub. It would be wonderful to block everything out and just soak for a while, but Ace is expecting me to be ready in an hour. I opt for the quick shower, promising myself the luxury of a bubble bath before I leave behind the human comforts.

Once I'm scrubbed clean and towel drying my hair, I walk to the large mirror and stand for a moment. I wonder. All I see is myself wrapped in a towel, staring back. I lay the towel down, on the counter, that I was using on my hair and reach my right hand toward the mirror. Once my hand makes contact with the mirror, my reflection appears to ripple and then suddenly I'm looking at a giant tv screen. A human reporter, black hair and brown eyes, stares back at me.

"Now for your daily update on the war in Garmenal Sector 5. Things are heating up as the Talphinans and the Stalbarnians continue to fight over rights to the mineral rich planet of Kalpinion. The I.S.P. have sent in over five dozen soldiers in an attempt to help bring piece to the Sector. So far, reports say that an alliance is highly unlikely. Of course, if they would just drop my inlaws over there, piece would happen quickly." The man chuckles. "Anyhow, back to you Jonathan."

"Next up, your hourly Martian weather report..."

"Ugh. I'm getting tired of hearing about the war in Garmenal Sector 5." I place my hand back on the mirror and three buttons pop up; volume, channel, and power. I hit the power button and finish getting dressed. I don't know what I expected, maybe something about finding my brother? I sigh in annoyance as I brush out my long hair and then pin it up on my head. Once I'm satisfied with that, I pull on my dress, being careful not to mess up my hair. I leave the bathroom and have one hand on the bedroom door when I remember my backpack. Where did I put it?

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